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Kipware® CNC XChange




This Chapter will deal with some information specific to Kipware® CNC XChange - G Code Conversion Software.


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General Outline :


CNC XChange perfoms G code conversion by using a mix of source code defined conversions and user defined conversions.

Source Code Conversions ... these are conversions that are defined through the source code of the software. These conversions most commonly involve industry standard and CNC control standard commands. For example, a canned cycle command like a G71 roughing cycle in Fanuc turning is a standard code used throughout all Fanuc controls. This type of command will be converted through the definition contained in the source code of the software ... no user intervention or configuration is required.

User Defined Conversions ... these are defined as code conversion that is not industry standard, and sometimes not even standard between the models manufactured by the same machine tool builder. Most commonly these are codes like M codes that can vary throughout the industry and even from machine to machine. User defined conversions are configured through the User Options. User Option files can contain virtually an unlimited number of defined conversions, and will all be executed along with the source code conversion during the single conversion process. Users can create as many User Option files as needed to cover the various machines / controls that will be used in the G code conversions. The appropriate User Option file can be loaded at the time of the conversion and all configurations contained in that file will be executed at the time of the conversion.

The process of file conversion involves only a few steps :

Start CNC XChange and load the desired User Option file. A default User Option that will be auto loaded when CNC XChange starts can be configured in the SETTINGS.

BROWSE the PC for the original program file to be converted.

Set up any settings on the Main Screen. Main screen settings can also be saved ... and will then be loaded automatically when CNC XChange starts.

Select the appropriate CONVERT button.

The conversion process will proceed ... address any on screen messages that may appear ... and once completed the original G code programs and converted G code program will be displayed in the side by side full G code Editor for review. Users can perform any edits directly in the Editor if required.






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