This outline will illustrate the points using KipwareM®, but KipwareT® operates in a similar manner.
The main screen in Kipware is divided between the available programming options on the left side. And the defined cycles or operations that have been completed and entered into the tree on the right side.
To begin the program creation, the user should first assign the program a name using the current program name field located at the top right side of the screen.
The next step is to use the conversational menus or the SketchPad to create a cycle for each of the operations that are required to machine the workpiece completely.
In an example like facing in KipwareM®, we can complete the fields that describe the shape and the cutting parameters for this machining operation. The first field to complete is to give the operation a name. This cycle will be saved automatically using this name. Naming conventions should follow standard Windows filename parameters.
The easiest way to complete the field is to enter data into a field and then use the TAB key to move to the next field. The TAB key will act like the enter key but will also move the cursor to the next field for us.
Once all the fields are complete, select the create program button. This will cause Kipware to save the cycle and enter the cycle name into the list of operations in the tree.
Users can then proceed to the next machining operation, complete the form for that operation, and select create program to enter the next operation into the tree.
Users can also re-call cycles that have been created previously using the load an operation button in the operation options toolbar. This can significantly cut down on data entry as data will not have to be entered completely for similar operations, only edited to suit the new operation.
Once all the cycles to machine the workpiece complete are available in the tree, it is time to proceed to the creation of the main program. The main program will link all created cycles to tool calls. The end result will be the merging of all cycles into one complete G code program that can then be sent to the machine for execution.
Once the main program creation screen is entered, the cycles that were created will be available in the box on the right side of this screen. Select an operation. Enter the tool number and work offset if required. Normally it is not required to enter an RPM as each cycle contains the appropriate spindle commands for that cycle. Select the coolant option desired and enter a clearance plane in Z for this tool. The user can link up to (10) cycles for each tool by double clicking the cycle name to add it to the list for this tool. The order in which the cycles are entered will be the order of execution. Continue this process until all cycles have been assigned to tools.
As you can see, the order in which cycles are created does not mean that that is the order they will be executed. The order in which they are linked to tools in this screen is the actual order of machining.
Once all cycles are linked to tools, give the program a number per the specifications of your CNC control. Select a post processor file to use. Select whether or not to have a tool list auto-generated. Then select create g code. Kipware® will then go through and merge all cycles and include appropriate tool calls and insert the pre-defined blocks of information as defined in the post to create one complete G code program.
The completed program will be displayed in the Editor and can be edited and altered as desired.
Once satisfied, save the G code program.
Returning to the main screen, it is recommended that the conversational program be saved as well. This will allow you to re-load the conversational program with all cycles and operation data. If a change is required due to actual cutting conditions, cycles can easily be re-opened in the conversational menus, changes made, and the G code program re-generated to reflect the changes.