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This chapter will outline the various SETTINGS available in KipwareCYC®. Settings can be used to configure KipwareCYC® for inch or metric as well as to allow for multiple users to connect and utilize the same database information across a network.


To open the settings menu select the settings icon in the side menu bar.

Tick the option for inch or metric to select the desired configuration. Database information cannot be converted back and forth from inch to metric values, so this selection should be made initially to set up KipwareCYC® for the system you will be using for estimating. Standard shipped databases are provided as samples only, and are configured in inch format.

To ensure accurate cycletime estimating, all values in all databases should be edited and altered to reflect your shops specifications and configurations. It is a priority that calculations created in KipwareCYC® accurately reflect what happens on your shop floor. The design of KipwareCYC® is maximized to ensure that that most important point for accurate estimating is realized.

As mentioned previosuly, the cutting parameter database contains two user defined buttons that can be configured by the user. In the settings menu the user can assign labels to those buttons to better reflect a more meaningful name for users.

A label name changed in the settings will be reflected in the machine database menu for option button A and B.

If KipwareCYC® will be utilized by multiple users and the availability of a network is available, database files can be moved from the local PC to a shared network location. This ensures that all users across the network will be utilizing the same database values. Changes can be made by any user on the network and those changes will be available for all other users across the network.

Make sure to SAVE the settings to make the changes permanent before closing the software.




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