This chapter will outline the steps in creating a cycletime estimate.
The first step is to open the Cycletime Estimate Specifics form and complete the data entry. Data on this form is provided as reference information for identifying the cycletime being created. This information is useful when recalling previously created estimates for review or editing.
After the reference information is complete, it’s time to start estimating. The basic process is to follow the machining process for the workpiece from start to finish, operation by operation. The user can change machinery if required and all pertinent information for each operation to machine the part complete is entered. The process can start from sawing the stock material to the final machining operation.
As an example, let’s review some simple operations like a center drill then drilling operation for 6 one half inch holes on a Haas VF1.
First we’ll increment the operation counter up one.
Next we will select the machine from the drop down list containing machines from our database.
Notice that the machine type is selected for us based on the machine type specified in the database.
Next select the material from the drop down list containing material and matching cutting parameters from the drop down list.
Next select a MAIN OPERATION from the drop down list.
The 10 sub categories for that main operation will then become available. Select the desired option from the list.
Input a description of the operation for reference, in our case our first operation will be center drill 6 holes.
Moving over to the operation specifics, we need to enter some additional information manually.
We will select a handling time operation from the handling time database. Select the load the vise option.
Determining the length of cut can be quite simple or complex calculation. KipwareCYC® does include a companion application called the cut length calculator to assist in this calculation. We will outline CLC in more depth in another video. For this operation we can do the simple calculation manually and enter the data in the field. We will center drill each hole .250 deep. So 6 holes times .250 equals a total length of cut for this operation of 1.5 inches and this is entered in the length of cut field.
The tool diameter is .375.
Number of flutes and threads per inch are not pertinent.
Selecting the calculate button will cause KipwareCYC® to utilize the machine and cutting parameter database information to determine speed and feeds, rapid time, tool change time, and cutting time and display the results.
RPM and Feedrates can be over ridden on this form. The new inputs do not change or effect the database information, but only reflect changes for this operation in this estimate only. Press the re calculate button to update the times.
Returning to the operation data form, we can proceed to the next operation, drilling the 6 holes.
We can select COPY LAST which will transfer the previous operations selected machine and material into this operation.
Select drilling as the main operation, then select the desired sub operation.
Input a description for the operation.
In the operation specifics we can repeat the handling time selection as this is the last operation and the part will need to be removed from the vise.
We will drill each hole 1 inch deep. So 1 inch times 6 holes gives us a total length of cut of 6 inches. Enter 6 inches into the length of cut field.
Tool diameter is half inch.
Then select the calculate button to calculate the times for this operation.
Operations and data for those operations can be reviewed using the view operation list option from the main menu bar.
Previously created operation data can be reviewed and speeds and feeds altered by using the view operation calculations option from the top menu bar.
To complete the cycletime estimate the user should repeat the process outline here and input all data for all operations to machine the part to completion.