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Cut Length Calculator - CLC




This chapter will outline the features and use of the Cut Length Calculator or CLC companion application for KipwareCYC®. KipwareCYC® uses the length of cut input to determine cutting time. We feel that the length of cut is a more accurate setting than other options such as volume of material being removed. Length of cut more accurately determines the actual time a tool is engaged in cutting. To assist users with this calculation the Cut Length Calculator can be employed. CLC uses conversational or fill-in-the-blank forms to gather operation data and then will automatically calculate the tools length of cut from those inputs.


As outlined in the introductory chapter for creating a cycletime estimate, it is not always necessary to employ CLC when simple length of cut calculations are needed. For example, drilling 6 holes one inch deep can be simply calculated as 6 holes times one inch deep for a total length of cut of 6 inches. CLC can be employed when manual calculations are too involved.

It is important to remember that there is a fine line between creating an accurate cycletime estimate, and having that process overblown and overly complex. Using a CAD CAM system to determine a cycletime for a part you may never machine is overblown. The design of KipwareCYC® is to create an accurate cycletime estimate without being excessively complex. One example would be worrying about corner breaks or radii when turning a shaft. These minor features will not effect the cutting time to an extent where they need to be considered. Likewise having to input distances between holes when drilling to account for rapid movement. Entering that data would be very time consuming and the actual effect on cycletime is usually quite minor. However, it is important to note that the developers of KipwareCYC® did employ some behind the scenes calculations that will result in some minor time additions in various operations. These are employed automatically and not seen by the end user.

CLC contains conversational forms for both milling and turning operations. Pulling down the milling drop down will show that options are available for face milling, square and rectangular pockets, round pockets, square and rectangular bosses, round bosses, thread milling, simple contouring and a variety of 3D type operations.

Turning options include facing, od and id turning and boring, taper cutting, grooving and threading.

Hole operations are also available for straight and pecking drilling and tapping as well as straight reaming.

CLC can be used as a stand alone application or can be summoned from within KipwareCYC®. Lets illustrate the use of CLC when employed through KipwareCYC®.

As an example we will illustrate the cycletime calculation for a turned part with 3 diameters that need to be rough and finished on a Haas SL ten lathe in aluminum.

Starting KipwareCYC and progressing to the first operation. We will select the machine and material from the database. Select the main operation of rough turning, then select the desired option from the 10 sub categories we have set-up for rough turning. Next we will input a description of rough turning 3 diameters. We will load the part into the chuck and then start CLC to help us determine the length of cut.

In CLC we will select OD turning from the turning options. Input the finish diameters and lengths. Select the diameter of our stock, depth of cut and finish allowance. Next select calculate roughing operation. We will save this operation to illustrate this feature and as we need to repeat these specifics to calculate the finishing length of cut in the next operation. When ready select calculate and CLC will calculate the length of cut for this roughing operation. We can either copy the result to the clipboard and paste it into the KipwareCYC® field on the operation form, or manually enter the result on the form.

We will then enter the average diameter that will determine speeds and feeds. This average again goes to the topic of lessen the complexity of estimating, yet maintain an accurate estimate. Over years of testing using an average for most workpieces will still result in an accurate speed and feed and time result.

After calculating this operation, we can move onto the finish turning. Returning to the operation screen we can create another operation and use the copy last button to confirm machine and material. Select the main operation of finish turning and the desired sub operation. After inputting a description and accounting for the handling time to remove the piece from the chuck, we can return to CLC. Load the previous roughing operation and change to calculate the finishing operation. Select calculate, record the result and enter it into the KipwareCYC field. Selecting calculate will determine the cycletime for this operation.

In addition to the conversational or fill in the blank forms for various operations, CLC contains many useful shop floor formulas. Programmers and estimators oftentimes require the use of these general shop floor calculations and CLC puts them at your fingertips.

Users can also go beyond the conversational options to import a DXF file and then determine the length of cut using what is called the Machinist Mode in the CLC SketchPad. The SketchPad is illustrated in depth in a subsequent chapter .

Using the cut length calculator tool helps maintain the most accurate form of cutting time calculation which is using the tools length of cut. Although this calculation seems difficult to achieve, CLC makes it quick and easy and maintains accuracy to a very high degree.





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