This section will outline some of the meaning for some of the terminology on the input screens of the Kipware® conversational titles.
❖Whenever the input is asking for a "coordinate" ... the desired input is for a + / - value which is given as the relationship between the absolute part zero location. All inputs where a "coordinate is requested ( e.g. -- "Pocket Center Coordinate in X" ) must have a value + / - relating to the absolute part zero of the workpiece.
❖General input values looking for a "depth" or "width" or "length" ... should be unassigned values. No sign should be input into the fields where these values are requested.
❖Clearance Amount ... refers to the unassigned amount of distance you would like to assign to movement for the cutter in relation to the workpiece. For example ... a CLEARANCE amount of .125" means that whenever the cutter is rapiding around the workpiece ... it will maintain a .125" distance away from the workpiece. Depending on the menu being employed ... this can sometimes be divided individually between axis or may be a general value pertaining to all axis. In KipwareT® this may refer to a radius or diameter value for the X axis as specified on the form.
❖Clearance plane in KipwareM® ... refers to the absolute coordinate of a Z axis plane where the tool is safe to move around the part. For example ... if Z0 is the top surface of the part and your clamp holding the workpiece is 2" higher than the top surface of the part ... the Clearance Plane would be say 2.5" ... 1/2" above the top surface of the clamp.
❖Depth of Cut ... is always an unassigned value meaning no sign should be input.
❖Retract Amount ... in KipwareT® refers to the amount the tool will move away from the "just cut" material when returning to the start point to begin another depth of cut. For example ... if the tool just made a cut along the X axis at a 1.00" diameter ... and the input for RETRACT AMOUNT as made as .050" ... the tool will move the X1.100" before it returns to the start point to begin another depth of cut.
❖Turning VS Facing in KipwareT® ... refers to the type of cutting that will occur in the described cycle. In a TURNING cycle ... depth of cut is made along the X axis and cutting motion is performed along the Z axis. In a FACING cycle ... depth of cut is made along the Z axis and cutting motion performed along the X axis.
❖Ramp Amount ... is used in KipwareM® when machining pockets and other shapes where plunge cutting is employed. Entering an amount here will cause the cutter to move in Y and Z as it goes to the depth of cut in Z rather than plunging straight down. For example ...if you are creating a round pocket whose center is X0,Y0 and you enter a Y ramp amount of .030 and a Z depth of cut of .050 ... the cutter will start the plunge movement moving to Y-.030 and Z-.025 (half the doc) then plunge an additional moving Y.030 and Z-.025 to complete the .050 Z depth of cut.