The Kipware® VIEWER application allows users to view and print cycletime estimates and cost estimates created with KipwareCYC® and KipwareQTE®. This is an unprotected app and can be distributed to as many users as desired.
In this chapter we will outline the toolbar and how to load, view and print estimates in the Viewer.

The FILE UTILITIES area of the toolbar is used to load a cycletime and / or cost estimate to work with. Select the appropriate icon and load the desired estimate.
Selecting the magnifying glass icon in the REPORTS area of the toolbar will open the list of available view options. Select either to view a cycletime estimate or cost estimate as desired.
Selecting the printer icon in the REPORTS area of the toolbar will open the list of available options for outputting reports to your printer. Select the desired option.
Selecting the save icon in the REPORTS area of the toolbar will open the list of available options for outputting reports to a CSV file. CSV files are compatible with Excel and can be opened in Excel for further manipulation.
The UTILITIES area of the toolbar allows the user to customize reports and configure settings for the reports and use of the Kipware® VIEWER.
The unit of measure, currency symbol, and custom note configuration on reports can be configured in the SETTINGS menu by selecting the screwdriver icon.
Contact and owner information that is output on quotation, invoice and bill of material forms can be configured in the Owner Information menu by selecting the wrench icon.
Version information can be reviewed by the selecting the Kentech icon in the toolbar.