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Importing DXF Files




The Kipware® SketchPad has the ability to import DXF files. To import a DXF file select the DXF key in the side menu bar and browse for the desired DXF to import.

There are some restrictions when importing DXF files as outlined below.


DXF Import Restrictions :


The SketchPad does not import circles as there are no provisions in the SketchPad to machine any type of circular shape. Round Pockets or Bosses whoud be machined through the conversational  menu ... not through the SketchPad.

It is recommended that all ARCS be broken up into quadrants prior to exporting the DXF file for consistent importing into the SketchPad.

All elements in the DXF should be individual elements ... "blocks" are not importable. To avoid this issue, users should use the EXPLODE feature in their CAD application to insure that all elements are individual elements prior to exporting the DXF file.

The X0/Y0 location cannot be changed through the SketchPad. Therefore make certain that the correct coordinate system ( commonly UCS vs WCS ) is used in the CAD drawing prior to exporting the DXF file. 





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