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Element Edit Options




In addition to the E (edit ) key and DELETE key keyboard options, the side menu bar also contains some additional editing / drawing options for elements that exist in the Element List Box.




When an element is selected in the Element List Box and highlighted in the sketch, users will notice that there is a circle placed at the start point of the element that also indicates the direction of that element. When an element is selected for the machining process, that direction becomes important as that is the direction the cutting will be defined. If the direction of an element requires changing, the REVERSE LINE DIRECTION key can be employed to auto-reverse the line element.


First, highlight the desired line element in the Element List Box, then select the REVERSE LINE DIRECTION key. The start and end point of the line will be automatically reversed.



As in the above REVERSE LINE DIRECTION explanation, the REVERSE ARC DIRECTION key can be employed to auto-reverse an arc element.

First, highlight the desired arc element in the Element List Box, then select the REVERSE ARC DIRECTION key. The start and end point of the arc will be automatically reversed.


JOIN ELEMENTS ( Key #3 ) :

The JOIN ELEMENTS key will auto-connect two elements. The connection will be done through the elements START points. If a different point of connection is required, use the REVERSE LINE DIRECTION ( key #1 ) or the REVERSE ARC DIRECTION ( key #2 ) to change the elements start point.


First, highlight the first element in the Element List Box, then select the 1 KEY ( key #5 ) in the side menu bar.

Next, highlight the second element in the Element List Box, then select the 2 KEY ( key #6 ) in the side menu bar.

Finally, select the JOIN ELEMENTS key to have the SketchPad automatically connect the elements through their START POINTS


CREATE FILLET ( Key #4 ) :

The CREATE FILLET key will auto-create the users designated fillet between two line segments. Currently this option is only available for a fillet between two line segments.


The desired size of the fillet can be entered in the field labeled ELEMENT EDIT VALUE in the side menu bar.


First, highlight the first element in the Element List Box, then select the 1 KEY ( key #5 ) in the side menu bar.

Next, highlight the second element in the Element List Box, then select the 2 KEY ( key #6 ) in the side menu bar.

Finally, select the CREATE FILLET key to have the SketchPad automatically create the fillet and add that fillet element to the Element List Box.



Use the X key to clear and element selected through the 1 or 2 key in any of the processes outlined above.


NOTE : Other keys not addressed here ( TRIM and OFFSET ) are in still in development as of Version 12.1.0.





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