Kipware conversational CAM is easy to use with no CAD, no drawing and even no G code experience required. Create G code faster and easier with Kipware.
Tim K.
Tim K.Performance Metal Products
"KipwareT® is awesome and has lead to increased productivity of reengineering damaged parts. It has cut design and cam by over 50%."
Don Barnes
Don BarnesLandis Solutions
"You are a life saver. You guys are a world class company! I recommend you to everyone I know."
Geroge McLellan
Geroge McLellanNew Zealand
"I have KipwareT® and like it so much I would like to get KipwareM® for my mill ..."
S. Shepherd
S. ShepherdAdvance Turning & Mfg.
"I’m telling you, I can’t say enough good stuff about you and your service!!"
John C.
John C.NX2D
"I received a call early this morning from the fellows at the other site and they are just elated about the KipwareM®. In fact some of them stayed there until midnight to play with it."
Pete R.
Pete R.
"I really like Kipware®. I still have Mastercam as well, although I have mixed feelings about it. It has its good points and I use it for certain things, but as a case in point, with the 3D BOWL ... in Mastercam I would have to model it, stock setup, toolpath, etc.!" In KipwareM®, just fill in the blanks !!
Barbara B.
Barbara B.Prentke Romich
"I have tried out the new grid upgrade for milling pockets - it looks like that will suit very well!! It responded just as I thought it should and the pockets were milled out per spec. I am so excited! ... Thank you so much and to all your team – wonderful job!!"
S. Bader
S. Bader
"Very happy with the software (KipwareCYC® and KipwareQTE®). Nice to see a company that takes steps to use space efficiently and promote user simplicities. Much needed in a world of bloated programs."
Jeffrey C.
Jeffrey C.Utah
"I found you on YouTube ... Wish I had found you before buying G-Wizard editor 🙁 "
Terri D.
Terri D.Advanced Precision Engineering
Thanks for making one of my first tasks at my new job go so smoothly! 🙂 Your quick reply was appreciated as we had a machine stopped. Thank you!
George M.
George M.Advanced Mag Wheel Repair
Thank you for your wonderful and timely help. It is all up and running again, and I look forward to learning how to use my new CNC mill.


In CNC machining, the name of the game is making chips. To make chips you gotta make G code. When design work is not involved, making G code is FASTER and EASIER with Kipware® conversational CNC programming software. 

We invite you to explore our conversational CAM through the links below and discover the increased efficiency and productivity that freedom from complex CAD/CAM can bring to any size shop.

Break the chains of the big CAD/CAM money grab with Kipware software.


The ULTIMATE TOOLSET for any size shop

Kipware® software is one of the fastest growing brands in machine shops around the world … and KipwareMAX® brings all of our most popular individual titles into one complete powerful package that will cover all your quoting, estimating and CNC programming requirements … and SAVE $2330 over individual title purchases !!

KipwareMAX® is the ULTIMATE TOOLSET for any size machine shop … whether a new start-up … or an existing shop looking to add efficiency and productivity.

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