Kentech Inc. has released Version 22.1.0 of our KipwareM® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for Milling. This release contains a new feature to enable the output of the next T command … referred to some time as pre-loading the next tool … when outputting G code. Pre-loading allows the next tool to index and be ready for a tool change as the current tool is machining.
This feature is user configuravble through the SETTINGS as outlined in the screenshot below.
KipwareM® has multiple user selectable options when it comes to tool change output … here is a brief explanation of each :
- SINGLE LINE or DOUBLE LINE tool change commands can be configured.
- NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD can be set to ON or OFF through the check box. If OFF … none of the options outlined below will be output.
NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD will cause the next T command to be auto-inserted into the program using Format A or Format B.
FORMAT A will cause the next tool T command to be inserted on the line following the current tool change command … an example :
T01M06 ( current tool change command )
T02 ( next T command )
FORMAT B will cause the next T command to be inserted after the first Z move line … an example :
T01M06 ( current tool change command )
T02 ( next T command )
These settings now allow the user to configure the next T command call to be most compatible with their CNC control & machine.
Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.