Category Archives: General

General musings and information.

Custom CNC / Machine Shop Software Development

Since 1986 … over 30+ years … Kentech Inc. has been creating CNC and machine shop software applications to meet the challenges of manufacturing. From conversational CNC programming software … to quoting and estimating software … to our groundbreaking and innovative G code conversion software.

Along the way … clients have frequently requested features to our out-of-the-box applications to handle their specific needs … unique to their shop or their manufacturing environment. This has resulted in the addition to new features for our applications … as well as many custom developed applications to meet those client’s requirements.

In August of 2014 … due to increased demand … we initiated our CSD ( Custom Software Development ) strategic business unit to concentrate and focus development on custom CNC and machine shop software requests. Since it’s inception in 2014 … we have created numerous custom applications from conversational CNC programming software to handle a client’s specific shop floor programming needs … to custom G code conversion software for individual corporate client’s and larger CNC control manufacturers like FAGOR automation.


We are always looking for the next challenge.

If your shop is facing a manufacturing challenge and you can’t seem to find an off-the-shelf solution … we encourage you to contact the Kentech Inc. CSD unit and let us help you explore a custom developed application.

We have a lot of coding background … and a lot of bits and pieces of CNC, machining and machine shop custom code … which perhaps with a little “tweaking” can become your custom developed solution. Or should your solution require a completely new direction … Kentech Inc. has the experience and knowledge to develop a solution in a time frame and within a budget that can fit your requirements.

You can get additional information on the Kentech Inc. CSD unit … view some of our projects … or get some answers to FAQ’s … at our website …

Or you can contact the CSD UNIT directly at

If You Can DREAM IT … We Can CODE IT !!

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

The U.S. Productivity Decline … and Your Shop?

The Wall Street Journal reports on 8/10/2016 that the longest slide in worker productivity since the late 1970’s is still haunting the US economy. “Nonfarm business productivity … the goods and services produced each hour by American workers … decreased at a .5% seasonally adjusted annual rate in the 2nd quarter as hours worked increased faster than output.”

This was the 3rd consecutive quarter where productivity fell … making it the longest streak since 1979. And the annual decline was the worst in 3 years … and the trend shows little sign of reversing.

Is Your Shop Getting Dumber?

We have been harping for years that today’s technology and it’s move more and more toward “artificial intelligence” is making the workforce dumber … and leading to a lack of creativity and worker competence.


See our post ” Is CAD/CAM Making Your Shop Dumber” HERE

The WSJ article goes on to blame the slowdown on weak business investment in new equipment … software … and facilities that could boost worker efficiency.

I would agree partially … but would add that investment should be made in equipment and software that facilitates and sharpens worker’s skills  and know-how … because when TOO MUCH automation is employed … skills suffer.

My belief … in manufacturing anyway … is that complex software that performs ALL the tasks automatically are to blame for today’s “dumber” shops … and possibly the skills drain that shops are experiencing … and in this case the productivity decline. Human-focused software … like our Kipware® … engages the operator with lots of prompts and pushes people harder to think, act and learn. Our skills develop and get sharper only through practice when we use them regularly. In our recent article I made the point that … programming a rectangular pocket or the roughing of a multi-step shaft is not rocket science … but it is tedious. Kipware® can assist by creating this simpler G code quickly and easily … but it’s imperative that the user have the ability to create that G code manually if he had to. The message … ” I could do it if I had to but it’s faster and more efficient this way.” … must be valid. If the user can’t do it … and is relying on the computer to perform a task he is incapable of … that’s a problem. The pilot having the ability to land the plane if he had to … is a lot different than him relying exclusively on the auto-pilot because he doesn’t know how to land the plane.

The WAY Forward?

If measuring your shop’s productivity puts it in step with the overall decline in productivity … it’s time to step up. How? Invest in human-focused software and equipment to GROW your workforce … not in numbers but in effectiveness. Statistics show that advances made from newer technologies is less than compared with those from past technologies.

Again a point we constantly harp on … just because a technology is out there doesn’t mean it’s a must-have.  Driverless cars? Come on … doesn’t the thrill of driving mean anything to anybody ??? And aren’t we a richer person through the driving experience?  A more skilled person? But I digress.

The point being that rushing out to purchase the latest technology is not necessarily a guarantee of increased efficiency and productivity. Instead … expand the “human focused ” technology available … and grow the potential of your workforce … and thereby grow it’s potential for greater productivity.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.


PC Based Conversational vs Conversational CNC Controls

As the creators of the industry’s premier PC based conversational CNC programming software  … Kipware® conversational … we hear the question quite often “Why should I consider your PC based conversational software over a CNC control with conversational built in?”

It certainly is a valid question … and we would like to take this post to explain what we consider to be the TWO MAIN facts that anyone considering purchasing a CNC machine based on the fact that the control includes conversational programming should consider. There certainly are others … but we consider the two outlined here to be the most important.

FIRST … Consider the PC vs the CNC Control


The first consideration is to start at the basics … the hardware. A CNC control is designed around it’s ability to RUN the CNC machine and it’s axis. That means that it’s components … screen … keyboard … processor … are designed and created to make the axis move with speed, precision and accuracy. After all … that is the main job of the CNC machine. And … it’s designed to withstand and handle the harsh shop floor environment. Those factors dictate the features and capabilities included in the CNC control. The main point of the CNC machine and therefore it’s controller … IS TO BE A MACHINE !!

Professional CNC controls are NOT computers … in the vain of “personal computers”. The harsh shop floor environment means the exclusion of features we take for granted every day with our PC … that make it’s operation seamless and easy. A mouse … full QWERTY type keyboard … screen resolution … file storage and retrieval … and so on. Conversational CNC controls are forced to use cryptic, backward operational  features like using the handwheel or arrow up and down keys or cryptic F keys to maneuver around.

Screen size and resolution along with the lack of “standard” computer hardware and lack of real “computing power” further restrict control based conversational. The ability to import a DXF file … for example … for program creation of non-standard type shapes is often lacking. And if present … is severely restricted by the screen size and resolution … often allowing for only the simplest of file importation.

Because the CNC conversational is married to the particular CNC machine … the conversational interface is restricted by the CNC machine capabilities. Menus are often cryptic … with simplistic images and prompts. The conversational layout and design often feels like an extension of the CNC control rather than a “programming system”. In some respects that is good … because the programming is output being 100% machine specific. But again it’s locked to that machine … the output is only good for that machine … and the programming must be done at that machine. Lack of portability means lack of expandability … and who wants to stay stationary in their business life?

The CNC CONTROL HARDWARE makes operating conversational programming on a CNC machine less intuitive … less powerful … slower … more error prone … and more time consuming when compared to operating CNC programming software on a PC.


SECOND … Portability


Second … consider the fact the your CNC conversational programming is locked and tied to the machine. That means ALL of the programming MUST be done at the machine … on the shop floor. Oftentimes … that means the machine is NOT cutting chips while programming is being done … or if programming and machine operation are done simultaneously, the operator is performing two tasks at the same time. Come on … seriously … that’s a recipe for disaster.

Consider that PC based conversational like Kipware® conversational  comes with multiple “real world” shop floor features.

  • The ability to move the programming from machine to machine … making ALL your machines conversational. Your shop can program multiple machines with one PC or laptop. Loading PC based conversational like Kipware® onto a laptop … or today on a Microsoft tablet … adds new and powerful programming options to the shop floor. The tablet makes the “programming system” portable … being able to be moved from machine to machine … or into the office for some “quiet time” programming. Smaller shops can even take the laptop / tablet home for programming offsite.
  • Since you are using the same laptop / PC and the same software … all conversational programming for all machines is done using the SAME interface. Professional conversational software like Kipware® conversational uses the same interface for both milling and turning programming. This means that users spend less time learning the software and more time creating programs that cut chips … and make profits.
  • Professional PC based conversational like Kipware® has power that allows for the program creation for machine with different controllers. For example … Kipware® conversational can create G code programs for Fanuc … Haas … Okuma and any other “fanuc compatible” controls standard, out-of-the-box. For non-fanuc-compatible machine / controls … our powerful KipwareXC® option allows Kipware® conversational to handle them as well.
  • File storage and retrieval can be done off the machine … even on a server … which means safer and more secure data. Repetitive programs can easily be recalled and edited and updated … and done using the same conversational interface if using Kipware® conversational. Most CNC controls do not have the capability to recall a conversational program or cycle … which means family of parts or similar parts must always be re-created from scratch. Professional conversational software like Kipware® … and you can compare this feature on other “hobby software” … can recall any cycle created through the conversational menus. This means that if you are programming a part similar to a part you programmed one month or one year ago … you can simply recall that cycle … make a few changes using the conversational, fill-in-the-blank form … and create a completely new cycle in seconds. Kipware®‘s unique cycle recall feature even allows you to maintain the same, proven speeds and feeds used in the original cycle.

AND … we didn’t even mention cost !!

Almost always on professional CNC controls … conversational programming is an OPTION ,,, and an expensive option. Consider this … for less than $1,000 you can ADD conversational programming to multiple machines on your shop floor through a Microsoft tablet and Kipware® conversational software !!

As I mentioned earlier … these are only two of the many factors that really make PC based conversational software a much more powerful … efficient … profitable option than CNC control based conversational software. If you are contemplating making a purchase of a CNC machine … and the fact that the control has a conversational programming option … we invite you to take a look at Kipware® conversational … arrange for a live, online demonstration … and let us show you why a PC based, professional conversational application like Kipware® conversational is the smarter option.

You can use any of the links below to get additional information … or to arrange a live, online demonstration of Kipware® conversational.

Our Website :

Arrange a LIVE – ONLINE Demo here :

Thanks so much for exploring our Blog !!

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

The Kipware® Conversational Shop Floor Programming System

We get asked a LOT about the differences between CAD/CAM systems … such as Fusion360, Bobcad, Mastercam etc. … and Kipware® conversational software and our approach to “shop floor CNC programming”. We always love to take the opportunity to offer the explanation about our design and concept that differentiates Kipware® from CAD/CAM programming. We feel it is a major difference … and one that when understood can bring increased efficiency and flow to any shop floor from the production shop to even a home shop.

Let’s first start by stating that when we refer to “shop floor programming” we are not only talking about creating G code programs at the machine … on the shop floor … but are talking more about creating G code programs outside the realm of a “programmer” inside a “programming department”. Having qualified chipmakers have access to a tool to assist them in creating G code programs that do not require the training and knowledge required to create CAD drawings or function inside a complex CAD/CAM environment. Basically … G code creation for the masses !! This type of G code creation can include not only production type machine shops but prototype shops as well as even home shops … anywhere you feel the phrase “this job DOES NOT require a CAD/CAM system” rings true.


It is essential in ANY discussion about CAD/CAM to fully understand the history of where it came from. Way back around the late 50’s or so … the first CAD system was created and served as mere replacements for drawing boards. It is definitely an undisputed fact that the origins of CAD/ CAM lie in it’s drawing and design features. From these simple origins of computer aided drafting to the modern 3D engineering, simulation and inter-connectivity features … CAD is probably one of the most important tools in the areas of design and  engineering. This is where it was born and is still where it’s main features lie. Look at any of the major CAD/CAM websites and you’ll see it’s all about design and the design features.

The CAM part of it came along later tagging on the design apron strings as a follow-up to CAD … but has always been an after-feature … never the main player. The simple fact that you CANNOT create any cutting toolpaths in ANY CAD/CAM application …. even to simply drill a hole … without a CAD model illustrates this fully. No Drawing … No Toolpath … PERIOD.

CAD and CAD/CAM were primarily developed as design tools … use as a CNC programming tool has always been secondary. If you look deep at an application like Fusion360 … it is primarily about design and collaboration regarding design work … which is great for someone designing and building a product. For shop floors and job shops that have the task of delivering machined components … it really makes less sense.

And herein lies the main difference between CAD/CAM and the Kipware® “shop floor programming” system.

Kipware® Shop Floor Programming


The truth of the matter is … despite what CAD/CAM companies might have you believe … is that turning the above “pretty picture” 3D model … which CAD is essential in developing … into actual physical components is not as simple as clicking the mouse and watching the parts roll out of your CNC machine. It comes down to the more intense basics of fixturing and workholding, cutting tools, toolpath / G code generation, and actual CNC machining … for EACH of the components that comprise the model. There is no CAD/CAM MAGIC involved … it’s simple down and dirty, programming, chipmaking and machining. The picture may look fabulous … but making the actual physical components still requires a skilled CNC programmer / machinist.

AND this is the essence of why what we refer to as “shop floor programming” makes soooo much sense.

Let’s face the facts that not every skilled machinist is a skilled draftsman or CAD operator … but are still one of the most valuable assets on the shop floor. Should their lack of drafting or CAD skills eliminate them from the CNC programming process? Should their lack of drafting or CAD skills eliminate them from applying their skills to program / G code generation. We think that following that path is leading your shop floor down the road of extreme inefficiency.

Kipware® conversational allows skilled chipmakers but unskilled CNC programmers or CAD/CAM personnel to get involved in the programming process. Bringing additional layers of options and efficiency to the shop floor. Kipware® conversational gives them a simple tool to assist them in creating G code programs for the day-to-day type workpieces … leaving the more complex “stuff” to the “CAD/CAM guy”. Have a quick peek at our animated video below that illustrates a scenario we see time and again on shop floors around the world.

Chipmakers better understand the shop floor, their machine and fixturing and tooling. It is natural progression to allow them to process the part based on fixture / tooling availability as well as fixturing / tooling understanding. They know how to hold the part … the tools to use to cut metal … and so who better to create the toolpaths? Kipware® allows for employing multiple chipmakers to creating multiple programs … financially because a purchase includes (2) full seats out of the gate … but also because learning the software is quick and easy due to it’s intuitive design … unlike the complexity entailed with a CAD/CAM system. Any good chipmaker already has the basis for a good CNC programmer. While anyone can be taught to make the tool move around on a CNC machine … chipmakers and machinists understand the most important facets of actual metal removal. It’s not the other way around … someone with no chipmaking experience usually makes a lousy CNC programmer.

The REALITY of Part Programming

Taking a deeper look at the “pretty picture” from our 3D model reveals that it contains a ton of the simpler, every-day type workpieces that can easily be programmed with Kipware® conversational by tons of good chipmakers currently not involved in the programming process because of their “CAD/CAM ignorance” … usually their inability to create a drawing. 


The reality of shop programming is that for 95% to 98% of workpieces produced every day in shops around the world … CAD/CAM is overkill … removes good chipmakers from the programming process … and can actually slow down production and contribute to inefficiency.  True efficiency on virtually every shop floor dictates that NOT EVERY JOB should be put through the CAD/CAM system … through the “CAD/CAM guy” … nor requires a drawing to create G code.  Efficient programming requires that you have an arsenal of tools available so that your CNC programming is not akin to forcing square pegs into round holes. CAD/CAM is one bullet … Kipware® conversational should be another.



If the points we have outlined here make sense to you … why not join the revolution? … the Kipware® conversational CNC shop floor programming revolution. Give us a call today or click HERE and arrange for a live, online demonstration of Kipware® conversational. Let us show you Kipware® in action and show you how shop floor programming can FREE you from the CAD/CAM shackles and bring new, improved productivity to your shop for the New Year !! JOIN THE REVOLUTION … say NO to CAD/CAM OVERKILL !!

Kentech Inc.
Toll Free ( within the US ) : 1.888.754.1198
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Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

2015 Kipware® Development Report

It’s hard to believe that we are about to close out 2015 and start a new journey into another New Year. At this time each year we are fond of taking a look back to reflect and evaluate what we have accomplished during the past year for our products in terms of development and enhancements … and of course for our clients.

Versus other software vendors who boast “millions of hits on our website” … we’re doers. We don’t talk about it … we do it … and we’re more than happy to publish our doing it and lay it out there for all to see. We’re proud of our hard work and results and the fact that THOUSANDS of real world machinists … from the one man shop to fortune 500 companies like SpaceX and General Dynamics around the world use Kipware® software. I guess they’re doers too. Are you a doer?

Why do we feel it is important?

Since 2012 … the first year we started blogging regularly … we have posted our year-in-review article highlighting the main items of development over the year.  We feel this is SOOOO VERY IMPORTANT for a number of reasons … but let’s focus on the top two.

  1. To show clients and potential clients that Kentech Inc. and Kipware® software is constantly on the move … innovating … inventing … improving … and enhancing. So clients and potential clients can compare our rate of the above against other competition and developers. We are by far the busiest in terms of enhancing and upgrading our machine shop software … all our market leading titles. If you follow our blog you’ll know we are a big fan of software Version #’s. For developers who adhere to the software version norms … major release, minor release and build numbers ( e.g. 10.1.0  )  … these are an actual reflection of the number of releases which usually illustrates the amount of new development. As the major release number grows … it reflects the number of major upgrades and enhancements. The reverse … software with Version #’s that are low … reflect the lack of development and lack of major releases. This is a good indicator of how much work and effort a company is putting into development. We always encourage any potential client to compare our version numbers with any competitor … the result is always astounding. We have posted the current version #’s next to each title along with the release information for the last year for your review. Nothing to hide here.
  2. So existing clients can view the various changes and enhancements to titles they may own … and help them decide if these changes warrant an UPGRADE investment. Kentech Inc. does not have any maintenance agreements and no yearly fees. Our UPGRADE policy basically allows the user to pick-and-choose when they wish to upgrade based on features released. At any time the user can UPGRADE … and will receive the latest version of the software with ALL the current features. So if we release an UPGRADE and the features are not of interest this time but they are the next time … an UPGRADE purchase will get you ALL the features that have been released to date.

By the way … if you missed any of our previous end of the year reports or wish to see our progress … here are some links to help :

So without further ado ….


Let’s raise the curtain on this years highlights !!

Below is a list of our accomplishments for 2015 … with links to articles with in-depth information about each. Enjoy.


Conversational CNC Programming Software for Turning
Current Version : 18.1.4

  1. Shoulder Grooving Conversational menu released … for more info CLICK HERE.
  2. New unprecendented conversational OD and ID turning menu released … truly game changing … for more info CLICK HERE.


Conversational CNC Programming Software for Milling
Current Version : 16.9.1

  1. New conversational 3D BOWL menu released … for more info CLICK HERE.
  2. New conversational 3D MALE and FEMALE BENDING DIE menus released … for more info CLICK HERE.
  3. New conversational TAPERED TOP facing menu released … for more info CLICK HERE.

Kipware® SketchPad

Conversational CAD / CAM
Current Version : 11.0.0

  1. Machinist CYCLE MODE released for both milling and turning … for more info CLICK HERE.


Machining Cycletime Estimating Software
Current Version : 8.0.0

  1. Enhanced PRINTING options released … for more info CLICK HERE.
  2. New MULTI-PART estimating features released to aid in tombstone, multi-vise and multi-spindle cycletime estimating … for more info CLICK HERE.
  3. New RUNTIME CALCULATOR companion application released to aid in production runtime calculations … for more info CLICK HERE.


Machine Shop Job Costing and Estimating Software
Current Version : 14.0.1

  1. Enhanced PRINTING options released … for more info CLICK HERE.


G Code Conversion Software
Current Version : 15.2.0

  1. New X-Y-Z SEPARATION and HEIGHT OFFSET AUTO ADDITION features released … for more info CLICK HERE.

These illustrate only the MAJOR releases … there are also tons of minor tweaks behind the curtain along with User Interface changes that have been released without any fanfare. Unlike some developers who tout screen color changes or pop-up tips as MAJOR enhancements. I guess it comes from our on-the-shopfloor no-nonsense experiences … don’t give me something unless it truly makes a difference.

We invite you to compare this type of development and enhancements with any software developer you are considering. We like to use that famous New England clothiers marketing phrase … “An educated consumer is our BEST customer.” or “Shop us last … you’ll love us.

Of course … we couldn’t accomplish anything without the dedicated crew here at Kentech Inc. nor our fabulous family of Kipware® users. Thank you to everyone for your support and we promise to keep working hard … dedicate our efforts … to create and enhance our REAL WORLD software to make a difference in the REAL WORLD.

Happy New Year to ALL !!

Wishing all the best to everyone in 2016 !!
Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New KipwareXC® Feature Release – X-Y-Z Separation & Height Offset Auto Addition

The latest version of KipwareXC®, Kentech Inc.’s ground breaking G code conversion software, contains a couple of new features catering to Fadal users and others who need to separate X-Y-Z moves and add height offset calls to G code during conversions.


Some CNC controls have the capability to perform X-Y movement prior to a Z axis move when X-Y-Z coordinates are all commanded in the same line. On some controls … the command line :
would result in the Z axis not moving to the .500 position until the X-Y movement has been completed. Most CNC controls do not possess this capability and will perform the 3 axis move … X-Y-Z … all axis simultaneously.

The new COORDINATE SEPARATION feature now included in Version 15.3.0 of KipwareXC® allows the user to set up a Profile to automatically separate this type of move command into two lines … with the X-Y positioning in the first line followed by the Z axis positioning command on the next on a line by itself.

In addition … KipwareXC® will automatically skip over this separation while all drilling canned cycles are invoked and active … allowing normal Z axis transitions to still be available in canned cycle command lines.

A simple checkbox is provided in the G-M Code Separation area of the KipwareXC® Profile option screen.

x y z axis seaparation in KipwareXC G code conversion software



For users who wish to auto-convert G code from CNC controls that do not utilize height offset commands to G code that requires such commands … Version 15.3.0 of KipwareXC® can assist in these situations as well.

In addition to the ability to separate X-Y and Z moves as outlined above … users now have the ability to set the KipwareXC® Profile up to automatically insert any user defined height offset G code command during the first Z axis move after a tool change … and also have a corresponding H offset call command inserted either with using the current tool # or with a default 00 value.

For example … original G code formatted :


can be automatically re-formatted by KipwareXC® to read :


The conversion will be done ALL AUTOMATICALLY by KipwareXC® during the conversion process. As the screen capture below illustrates … the user has multiple options available for this re-formatting.

automatically add height offset commands with KipwareXC

Post Processors are SOOO Yesterday and SOOO Obsolete

These two new feature releases on their own are very powerful options to have in your arsenal … add that to the multiple other conversion options available in KipwareXC® … which ALL perform simultaneously during a conversion … and you can see why utilizing a post processor to re-post / re-format existing G code just doesn’t make any sense. KipwareXC® can take your PROVEN G code program and automatically re-format it for another machine / control and never lose all the integrity of the proven code. Sooo simple … sooo fast … sooo efficient.

If you haven’t checked out KipwareXC® or any of the other pioneering G code conversions applications from Kentech Inc. … please visit and check ’em out.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

What Is a REAL Machinist ?

I read posts in other blogs and this question gets kicked around A LOT. I guess each has his / her own opinion. Mine has been formed from being a 3rd generation machinist … having grown up around and having worked in many machine shops … machining with everything from manual machines to the highest of tech CNC.

If you’re a REAL MACHINIST … aspire to be one … or are just an admirer of the skills and of the trade … this post is for you.

I recently came across this channel on YouTube and I have become a real fan … and a real admirer. Although I grew up and was trained on a lot of the machines illustrated on this channel ( of course with electricity … come on I’m not THAT OLD !! ) the steam power aspect adds a whole new dimension of interest.

Below is just a sample video of Dave Richards videos. I highly recommend you take a peek. WARNING : If you’re a REAL MACHINIST … you’ll be hooked !!

Thanks Dave !!
For the memories of these two guys !!

My Grandad

My Dad

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.
3rd Generation Class “A” Machinist

Is CAD/CAM Making Your Shop DUMBER?

We have written a few posts now ranting about how true artisans are being replaced by Artificial Intelligence and how manufacturing may have summoned the demons by over-utilizing complex and “intelligent” software to completely replace the “human factor” (  you can read a post HERE ). That thought was even the subject of an article in the Wall Street Journal … of course much more eloquently.

Here is the complete Wall Street Journal article …
Automation Makes Us Dumb 

This post is dedicated to some of the ideas and messages highlighted by that article … intermingled with reasons why we feel our Kipware® software is such a great option to combat the “dumbing down” of America.

Have you “drank the CAD/CAM kool aid”? … or in this case embalming fluid?

“Dazzled by our new machines … we’ve been rushing to hand them all sorts of sophisticated jobs that we used to do ourselves. But our growing reliance on computer automation may be exacting a high price. Worrisome evidence suggest that our own intelligence is withering as we become more and more dependent on the artificial variety. Rather than lifting us up, smart software seems to be dumbing us down.” 

Let’s take a look at this point referencing manufacturing. It seems that software developers are really keen on making their software more and more complex … and more and more capable of removing the human interaction … after all, that’s what brings in the big bucks. Instead of simply helping the artisan (machinist) step away from the drab and cumbersome tasks … CAD/CAM has striven to take ALL the thought and “human factor” out of the part programming and manufacturing process. The goal of modern software developers is to grow the automation more and more … but these often result in a “lazy and uneventful design that are void of intellect, imagination and emotion” says architecture professor Jacob Brillhart.

When CNC machinery first came along, it was celebrated for it’s ability to make the machining of complex shapes … take an arc for instance … possible. Creating the G code to machine that arc was still in the hands of the artisan. By keeping it in the hands of the artisan, it lent itself to the human interaction … which more often lent itself to new and innovative shapes … more things could be done with that arc. As CAD/CAM has striven to replace ALL human interaction … it has also removed more and more of that “human factor”. More and more, these new and more powerful software are leaving users only with the drab, mindless, less demanding tasks … and the human innovation and human creativity has been removed with the “skill” being built into the computer.

“Yesterdays machine operators are today’s computer operators.”

As the WSJ articulates … take for instance the modern pilot who actually may be losing his edge thanks to the cockpit computer. We have taken so many tasks away from the pilot and shifted it to the “autopilot” … we have started a “skills fade”. In 2007, British aviation researcher Matthew Ebbatson conducted an experiment with a group of airline pilots. He had them perform a difficult maneuver in a flight simulator … bringing a Boeing jet with a crippled engine in for a landing in rough weather. When he compared the simulator readings with the actual aviators flight records … he found a close connection between a pilot’s adroitness at the controls and the amount of time the pilot had recently spent flying planes manually. In other words … when we are forced to perform tasks manually we are more likely to sharpen our skills and our know-how. When software takes over … manual skills wane.

Why is Kipware® Different ?

 My belief … in manufacturing … complex software that performs ALL the tasks automatically are to blame for today’s “dumber” shops … and possibly the skills drain that shops are experiencing. Human-focused software … like Kipware® … engages the operator with lots of prompts and pushes people harder to think, act and learn. Our skills develop and get sharper only through practice when we use them regularly. In our recent article I made the point that … programming a rectangular pocket or the roughing of a multi-step shaft is not rocket science … but it is tedious. Kipware® can assist by creating this simpler G code quickly and easily … but it’s imperative that the user have the ability to create that G code manually if he had to. The message … ” I could do it if I had to but it’s faster and more efficient this way.” … must be valid. If the user can’t do it … and is relying on the computer to perform a task he is incapable of … that’s a problem. The pilot having the ability to land the plane if he had to … is a lot different than him relying exclusively on the auto-pilot because he doesn’t know how to land the plane.

Another example … one of many … is that the U.S. Naval Academy just resumed training officers to navigate by sextants. Historically the only way to determine a ship’s location at sea, this technique is being taught again both as a backup in case cyberattackers interfere with GPS signals and to give navigators a better feel of what their computers are doing.Conversational

Our software design philosophy and our Kipware® titles reflect a certain feature … that software plays an essential role but is actually secondary to the human operator. It takes over routine functions that a human operator has already mastered. Kipware® becomes the users partner … not the users replacement. Kipware® often relies on the users strengths and interaction … allowing them to bring their ideas and experience to the process … and allows them to enhance the results with the use of the skills and experience. The simple act of knowing how to save a file on the computer … for example … can oftentimes be a stepping stone to bigger and better things. I often hear the question … when I save a file where does it go? With Kipware® … it goes where you tell it to go … not where the software decides it should go with automation that keeps you out of the process. You have to think … act … understand … process. All our Kipware® titles are guides … sure they can automate tedious tasks … but they can also be expanded by the human operator and can take them both to places they could only go with an interactive partnership.

Everyone in manufacturing is in awe at the power and scope of the computer software available that will do the various manufacturing tasks … and we should be. And there certainly is a place for the complex CAD/CAM applications in the manufacturing environment. But our marketing slogan … “Not every job requires CAD/CAM.” … rings true here. We believe that putting every job … even the simplest … through a CAD/CAM system … as outlined here … is making your shop dumber. We should not … and must not … underestimate the value of our own talents when partnered together with technology. Even the smartest software lacks the ability to replicate the human insight gained through years of real world experience and hard work. “If we let our own skills fade by relying on automation, we are going to render ourselves less capable, less resilient and more subservient to our machines.” 

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Web Search Popularity VS. Reality

When you do a Google SEARCH … what is the “thing” that makes you visit a site in the list?

  • TOP result? … First name on the list.
  • Description provided under the site name? … “We have exactly what you searched for!”
  • “Big name” recognition … “Wow Home Depot has it!”
  • Paid Ads … those ads on the top or side of the list.

Whatever your preference … in today’s day and age … it really is BUYER BEWARE.

Definitely the SEARCH results should and will pull you into the site … but once there … you need to really be your own person. Why do we say that? Basically people and companies PLAY the system … they PLAY the search engines and play the search results. Google and Bing and all the rest try their best to make the playing field fair … but, of course,  the digerati know the rules and play the system. Do you hate how “the big banks” play the system … how government and lobbyists play the system … this really is no different.

And what does it mean for internet content … popularity doesn’t translate into quality.  Companies or websites touting the fact that they are first on Google … get a million hits … billions of visitors … whatever … are sometimes strictly touting their success at playing the system. Popularity doesn’t necessarily translate into Quality.

I would like to highlight (2) main issues to make my point :


TOP Results can be influenced by flooding your site with information and using key words on the site or in blog posts on the site so that no matter what a user searches for … as long as it’s “in the ballpark” … your site will fair favorably. Let’s take our genre of CNC for instance. If I load my site with articles about CNC machines … programming … software … cutting tools … things I don’t even know anything about … blah … blah … blah … there’s a pretty good chance my website and name are gonna be bouncing off the searches left and right. I have all the bases covered by using all the key words that I can find in the genre of CNC. But just because that site is top of the list … doesn’t mean that it’s the best or has quality products … or has even the right products for you. It just means some digerati may have flooded his website with crap that has some vague relationship to the topic you are interested in. Don’t be fooled by these people and companies that play the system … sure visit the site if you want but just don’t think that it is at the top of the list because it’s the best.


Once the site is found and listed … under the URL is a brief description of the content of the site … or what’s suppose to be the content of the site. This description is provided by the site in the HTML code … so again … site owners play the system. Since the description is one of the things “bots” ( the robots that crawl the sites for Google, Bing,  Yahoo or whomever ) look for .,.. site owners load the description with not what is necessarily the theme of the webpage … but rather what will get the most favorable listing from the bot.  Again … digerati paying the system.


As a business owner and website developer … getting listed in the search engines near the top so we can get visibility and hopefully attract some business is a major task we struggle with every day. It is the essence of success for an online business. Businesses and people that play the system make our life … our job harder … and our survival harder every day.  BUT ONE THING WE WON’T DO IS PLAY THE SYSTEM. We are committed to keeping our search results as accurate and on the up and up as possible. Maybe we won’t be the first on the list … but you can rest assured that we will conduct our internet content just like we conduct the rest of our business … ethically and honestly.

OK … rant over. Thank you … I feel better.

Finally … Thank you for coming to our website or our Blog. Thank you for investing your valuable time in exploring our products. I believe that you found our website or Blog because we actually have products or services or information that you were honestly searching for … I hope we do … and I hope you agree.

Kenney Skonieczny – President

Kentech Inc.