This chapter will explore the main page in the KipwareXC® Profile form. Additional options will be outlined in their own separate chapters.
The first settings that should be configured are for the type of conversion the Profile will be used for. Options are radius X, diameter X or mill X Y. The default units should also be configured for inch or metric format.
The user can set a START and STOP character if only a certain area of the original program is desired to be converted. In the default setting, a percent sign is used. In Fanuc programs a percent sign is used at the start and end of the program. So using this setting, the entire program is included in the conversion.
Users could also configure something like M52 as the START STOP character. This would mean that the conversion would begin when the M52 is found, and stopped when the next M52 is found.
Although this settings may be configured, it can also be turned ON / OFF through the check box.
Next is a couple of user defined options that can be employed during a conversion. Users can set a character to be used as a delete code identifier. This symbol, when found, tells the software to delete the entire word regardless of the value found behind the letter address. Refer to the HELP DOC for additional explanation and information.
Users can also select other options here. Checking Delete Blank Lines will cause the software to remove any lines where no data is present as a result of the conversion or wherever found. Remove Spaces can be employed to force the software to remove any spaces between programming words. If Re-Sequence Conversion is checked, KipwareXC® will automatically re-sequence all N numbers or add N numbers to the converted program once the conversion is completed. The starting N number and N number increment configured in the KipwareXC® SETTINGS will be used in this process.
Under the Mill Options, the user can configure KipwareXC® to convert all incremental X, Y or Z coordinates and moves to absolute coordinates during the conversion.
Users can define an unlimited number of User Defined Conversion Options, using what we refer to as the KipwareXC® Macro Language, using the top left option area. Please consult the HELP DOC for additional information and instructions for use of the KipwareXC Macro Language.
Complete Line Replacement options allow users to remove complete lines or replace complete lines using only a Trigger Code. For example, if the user configures the Trigger Code to be G28, every time the software finds a G28 on a line, regardless of additional data on the line, the complete line will be removed and replaced with the Replacement Line configured. If the Replacement Line is left empty, the original line will be removed since it will be replaced by a blank line. So in essence, removed.
Other options are available for configuration using the various buttons at the bottom of the form. We will outline these options in-depth in another video.
Always remember to SAVE the Profile to make any changes active and permanent.