Navigation: Kipware® Conversion Software > Kipware® CNC XChange > User Options >

User Option Upgrades




This sub-chapter contains information and instructions for newly released features for the CNC XChange User Options.


Version 20.4.0 and Higher


Enhancement to the User Option Input for START, END, COMPLETE LINE REPLACEMENT and PRE-CONVERSION Options


In previous versions options had to be loaded in these areas one-by-one.

This version introduces an EDITOR where users can enter options using a full editor and can enter an unlimited number of options all at once.

Access the EDITOR by selecting the SHOW LIST button on the User Option form.



The EDITOR consists of two areas ... the left side is a selection area and the right side is the full editor area.



All option must conform to the format of : original - converted ... where a space-hyphen-space is use3d between the original code and the converted code.

Once the inputs are complete in the editor ... select SAVE to make them permanent.







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