Category Archives: Kipware® G Code Conversion Software

The 3 Biggest Obstacles Facing Machine Shops Today – And How KIPWARE® Solves Them All

Machine shops today face THREE major challenges, driven by technological advancements, market pressures, and labor dynamics.This article lays them out clearly … and gives you the good news of how KIPWARE® software can help solve them all. Let’s dive in !!

1. Skilled Labor Shortage

  • Problem: There is a shortage of skilled CNC programmers and with shops relying heavily on CAD/CAM … those operators are hard to find and are in short supply. In addition … entry level G code creators who are not experienced in CAD/CAM in general … and your CAD/CAM in particular … are being exclded from the CNC programming process.
  • Impact: These factors extremely limit productivity and increases the costs of production, and lead directly to production bottlenecks.
  • The KIPWARE Solution : By adding Kipware® conversational CAM to your CNC programming arsenal … you can get more people involved in the G code creation process and it requires no CAD/CAM, no drawing and even G code experience to quickly asnd easily create quality G code. This increase productivity … output … and increases your shop’s turnaround capability. And every clients is looking for faster turnaround.

2. Customer Expectations for Short Lead Times

  • Problem: Customers are increasingly demanding faster delivery and custom, high-quality products.
  • Impact: Machine shops must optimize workflow and  reduce downtime.
  • The Kipware Solution : Again, relying on complex expensive CAD/CAM and CAD/CAM operators slows down the CNC programming and G code creation process. Adding Kipware® conversationa CAM can help grow your shop through increased output, efficiency and faster turnaround.

3. Inceased Competition

  • Problem: Competition from low-cost shops, perhaps outside the U.S. especially in Asia, puts pressure on pricing and profitability.
  • Impact: To stay competitive, machine shops need to find ways to respond to RFQ’s faster …. but more accurate. The rush to assume AI will help generate quotes and estimates faster and easier is acually leading to just faster … inaccurate … money losing … quotes and estimates.
  • The KIPWARE Solution : Today’s shops have to find new tools to help generate both machining cycletime estimates and cost estimates and quotes faster and with hair thin margins … more accurate. Using over 40 years of real world machine shop experiences, KIPWARE quoting and estimating software are easily tailored to YOUR shop … to produce quotes and estimates that can actually be reproduced on YOUR shop floor. After all … if you cannot reproduce what is outlined in your cycletime estimate and cost quotation … you’re still guesstimating and still losing money.

These obstacles can create a complex landscape for machine shops to navigate, but they also present opportunities for innovation, improved efficiency, and differentiation from competitors. KIPWARE software are proven-in-the-trenches solutions for these opportunities.

Check out all the REAL WORLD Kipware® solutions at

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® – The Intelligent Post Processor Alternative … Maybe Genius Level !!

One of the biggets, constant and universal struggles in machine shops around the world is the “control incompatibility” issue. G code formats between CNC controls are different … Fanuc different than Okuma … different than Fagor … different than Mazak … different than Haas … and on and on. The result is that G code created for one machine won’t run in a different machine … leading to re-posting … or re-programming … or worse.

But the GENIUS developers at Kentech Inc. have created the ultimate solution.

Kentech Inc. has been developing pioneering and ground-breaking G code conversion since 1986 when first commissioned by Raytheon Corp. to help with their shop’s control incompatibility issues. Those years of experience went into the development of both our KipwareXC® and Kipware® CNC XChange applications … resulting in easy-to-use and powerful conversion applications. thousands of shops around the world use KipwareXC® and CNC XChange to allow all their shop floor machinery to operate seamlessly … putting an end to the time consuming and error prone re-posting or re-programming of proven G code programs.

But what are the advantages of G code conversion software?

Kipware® conversion software is a bit mind blowing because not many similar type of applications exist. But once you see the advantages … it all becomes clear and makes enormous sense. Here goes :

  1. Proven G code running on the shop floor more often than not contains tweaks and edits that were needed due to cutting conditions, re-design or to just plainly increase efficiency. Converting that proven G code from one format to another using Kipware® means none of those nuance’s are lost … whereas re-posting or re-programming means basically going back to square one … resulting in hours of lost time and re-prove-out meaning non-productive machining.
  2. With the cost of post processors ever on the rise … Kipware® conversion allows users to generate G code using one post processor … and then convert that standard G code output into output compatible with other machines and controls with just a single purchase of an application like KipwareXC®.
  3. KipwareXC® allows users to create an unlimited number of PROFILES … the what-to-convert-into-what … and select the desired PROFILE at the time of conversion to auto-convert the original file to the new format.One purchase can handle an unlimited number of conversion scenarios.
  4. Since KipwareXC® is completely user-configurable … you have control of the output rather than being at the mercy of some CAD/CAM post processor developer.
  5. KipwareXC® and CNC XChange uses plain English and simple forms to tell the software what-to-convert-into-what. Editing a post processor usually requires some coding experience and the cryptic post-processor language is difficult to understand and edit. And making mistakes can have devestating consequences.
  6. Having the ability to easily and confidently convert proven G code into another format gives shop’s the choice to purchase the new machine that best fits their needs … not one that matches the G code format already in play. The ramp up time is much quicker because programmers don’t need to learn the new programming format as quickly … since they will be auto-converting proven G code to the new format and will be up and running while they ramp up.
  7. In order to re-post files from one format to another … the original CAD file must be accessable. Often times those files are not available or are outdated … with edits / changes made to the G code directly on the shop floor. Sinec Kipware® only requires the G code program … that problem is eliminated.
  8. Are you a machine tool sales professional? KipwareXC® and CNC XChange can eliminate the control incompatibility from your sales resulting in increased sales and happier clients.

The Genius of KipwareXC® as a Post Processor with Kipware® Conversational CAM

Kipware® conversational CAM has changed the landscape for thousands of shops around the world by freeing them from the “CAD/CAM only” model … by allowing more chipmakers to get involved with the evryday G code creation … and by speeding up the G code creation by eliminating the need for a CAD model or drawing as the starting point for G code creation. But here is the GENIUS of the combination of Kipware® conversational and KipwareXC® :

  1. Programmers use the same Kipware® conversational CAM interface to create G code. Kipware® creates Fanuc, “fanuc compatible”, Haas and Okuma G code out-of-the-box … no post or anything additional is required. For machines that are not “fanuc compatible” we offer KipwareXC® as an option at a reduced price.
  2. Users can continue to create G code using the same Kipware® conversational interface … regardless of what machine / control they are creating G code for … spend more time creating G code and less time learning software. Once the program is completed … they run that G code through KipwareXC® using the PROFILE desired … and the standard Kipware® output is auto-converted to the format desired.
  3. And KipwareXC® can be employed for ANY G code file … whether created in Kipware® conversational CAM or not … GENIUS !! That opens even more options to eliminate control incompatibility.

Using our years of G code conversion development means that many features have been employed in KipwareXC® and CNC XChange so the applications can handle any conversion scenario. Options have been developed to handle G code rigidly formatted created with a CAD/CAM system to unformatted G code created by hand programming.

It’s time to re-think the shop floor. Think about what it would mean for your productivity and profitability if all your shop floor machine’s ran seamlessly.

Interested? Check out all the Kipware® conversion titles through the links below … or give Kentech Inc. a call today and let’s re-imagine your shop floor.

More Info on KipwareXC® … Click Here

More Info on CNC XChange … Click Here

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New CNC XChange Feature — Enhanced Search and Replace for G Code Conversion

Version 20.0.0 of our CNC XChange – Fanuc / Haas <–> Okuma G code conversion software has been released.

Enhancements to this version include the ability to define multiple replace condiitons for a single line whne performing G code conversion. For example :

Replace : G83Z-1.000Q.100E.012

with : G74Z-1.000K.100F.012

This conversion can be set up in the CNC XChange User Options by simply defining the original code and replacement code using the * character like so :

Original Code : G83*Q*E*

Replacement Code : G74*K*F*

With the above we have defined G83 as the TRIGGER CODE … meaning whenever the software detects a G83 line it will perform the defined replacements … G83 to G74 … Q address to K address … E address to F address.

Unlike cryptic post processor language, the CNC XChange User Options use a simple code macro language that is far easier to understand, learn and implement … as the aboive demonstrates.

The CNC XChange User Options contain many other proven-over-the-years features that allow the user to set up complex G code conversions with little effort and no complicated coding type language. You can check out some of the other features through the link below :

For more information on CNC XChange … please visit

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

The State of Manufacturing in 2022 – And Why Manufacturing Should Never Be The Same

This article is SHORT and SWEET … TOTALLY TRUE … and illustrates a point that if heeded … and you should … can help all size manufacturers and machine shops move forward with speed and confidence.

Let’s start with two main points :

  1. Today’s manufacturing is grappling with a multitude of issues … as listed below.
  2. Kipware® software can alleviate EVERYTHING listed below.

Let’s List the Problems :

  1. Constantly thinning margins caused by supply chain issues including sourcing raw materials. Even if they can find what they want … prices have increased to levels that are threatening margins. Profit Margins grow are thinner and thinner by the day … winning unprofitable work WILL ruin your business.
  2. A significant increase in demand … all those delayed products, plans, and purchases from last year are now happening all at once. Clients want their orders fulfilled NOW … or they’ll walk.
  3. The challenges of implementing new technologies into the production process are creating bottlenecks as manufacturers try to bring emplyees up to speed on new, complex technology. Software companies have shops bamboozled into thinking that only their products … overly complex, overly expensive, constant maintenance fees … can solve their problems. And they all come with huge learning curves … or lock you into finding employees who are familiar with them.
  4. Finding and retaining enough employees with the skills manufacturers need continues to be a top challenge. Instead of software helping inexperienced users grow and meet new challenges and become more helpful … today’s software requires more and more training and lock out good employees from stepping in.

Let’s See the Solutions … and Why Kipware :

  1. MARGINS are getting thinner by the day with the cost of raw materials rising and the ability to obtain raw materials getting more and more difficult. Manufacturers need to absolutely insure that jobs they are winning are profitable and KipwareQTE® cost estimating software and KipwareCYC® cycletime estimating software are essential tools for anyone quoting and estimating potentail work. Proven in the trenches since 1986 with constant innovation and improvements … Kipware® estimating software insures quality, profitable work … and stops the downward spiral of winning work that just loses money.
  2. DEMAND : Timeline for deliveries of manufactured goods are tight and manufactureres need to absolutely insure that any bottlenecks in the production process are removed. CNC programming models that rely solely on the “cad/cam guy” or the “programming department” should be a thing of the past. Relying on them for tasks like creating fixtures and jigs, boring jaws, simple part programming or in the case of Kipware® conversational, anykind of part programming … creates bottlenecks including editing or updating part programs as dictated by cutting conditions. KipwareM® and KipwareT® are real world tools that allow good chipmakers, novice CNC programmers and even advanced CNC programmers to create G code faster and easier than any CAD/CAM system … no CAD or CAD drawing experience required. With Kipware® conversational … you make chips … not drawings.
  3. IMPLEMENTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES : When deciding to add new technologies to your shop … one key fact to consider is the learning curve. How fast can I get the technology up and running … positively effecting my business … and what is my return on investment. Kipware® software … whether quoting and estimating or conversational CAM … are designed around intelligent interfaces so users spend more time doing and less time learning. Easy and intelligent user interfaces mean getting results faster and making a faster positive difference in your bottom line. Don’t be fooled … more expensive, more complex … does not mean quality or performance. ALSO … our innovative and pionerring G code conversion software can make acquiring new equipment and/or transferring G code seamlessly between different machines and controls … effortless. Got Fanuc controls/ Got Okuma controls? Got Haas controls? Our CNC XChange software will easily convert G code between these formats allowing for the quick and easy transfer of G code programs between different machines / controls. Eliminate the CNC control incompatibility issue and make your whole shop operate seamlessly.
  4. SKILLED PERSONNEL : Skilled personnel are getting harder and harder to find. Again, the easy and intelligent Kipware® software interfaces allow anyone … even with minimal skills … to create accurate cycletimes, accurate quotes and estimates and quality, efficient  CNC cutting programs. Kipware® conversational can turn anyone into a master CNC programmer … because the software does all the work automatically.  Kipware® quoting and estimating allows anyone to create accurate cycletime and cost estimates to insure the work you win is actually profitable work. And the routing sheets and road maps created from your quotes and estimates by Kipware® mean that the shop floor and estimators are in sync … a key factor for profitable quotes and estimates. Whatever you quote or cost out … must be able to be achieved by YOUR SHOP FLOOR. Book knowledge or pie-in-the-sky parameters only means more lost profits.

OK … that’s it. As stated in the beginning … short, sweet and all true. Kipware® is one of the fastest growing brands in machine shops around the world … fact … and it is because it is REAL WORLD software solving REAL WORLD issues and was designed and created by REAL WORLD developers.

And I can say I am proud to be :
Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® G Code Conversion Software – New Release – Security Features

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 19.1.0 of our KipwareXC® – User Configurable G Code Conversion Software.

The newest feature release includes security features for users that wish to block access to the editing of created PROFILES and / or converted G code.  Under the SETTINGS page … users now have the ability to LOCK the editing of BOTH the MAIN and SECONDARY PROFILES using a Password protection feature as well as locking out the editing features in the KipwareXC® EDITOR once a file has been converted.

Post Processor Security Features Released

Checking the LOCK PROTECT PROFILES box will lock the ability to edit or amend both the MAIN and SECONDARY PROFILE. Attempting to change this setting will trigger the display of the PASSWORD screen where the user is required to input the current set PASSWORD. The DEFAULT Password initiated when KipwareXC is initially installed is 9999. Users can change this by opening the file PASSWORD.TXT located in the KipwareXC folder in any text editor … Microsoft NOTEPAD is recommended … and inputting the desired Password.

Checking the LOCK PROTECT EDITOR box will lock the ability to edit the CONVERTED file in the Editor once a conversion is completed. All options for the CONVERTED file … except the SAVE file function … will be disabled in the Editor. Attempting to change this setting will trigger the display of the PASSWORD screen where the user is required to input the current set PASSWORD … instructions are the same as outlined in the section above.

Version 19.1.0 is now shipping standard.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® – New Release Feature – Auto-Calculate Tapping Feedrates

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 18.4.0 of our KipwareXC® – G Code Conversion Software.

Among other “under the hood” revisions and improvements, Version 18.4.0 contains a new feature that will reverse calculate feedrates for standard tapping and rigid tapping cycles.

Users have been requesting this feature because they have run across G code conversion scenarios where one machine uses a tapping feedrate based on IPM ( pitch x RPM ) and the other machine utilizes the F(eedrate) expressed as a function of the thread pitch.

As you can see from the screenshot below …

… users can define a few parameters in the PROFILE to effect this conversion. Among them are :

  1. Turn the function ON or OFF using the “Reverse Calculate Tapping F” checkbox
  2. Designate the tapping G code that will act as a “trigger code” to activate the conversion.
  3. Designate the direction of the conversion … IPM to PITCH or PITCH to IMP.

The TAPPING G CODE acts as a trigger. When KipwareXC® sees this G code, and the function is turned on, the conversion will be executed based on the direction specified and the original F command will be replaced by the newly calculated F command. This is a powerful feature that will remove the need for any manual calculations  and eliminating the potential for calculation errors.

Version 18.4.0 and this new feature is currently shipping standard with all KipwareXC® purchases as of this writing.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® G Code Conversion Software — Hidden Gems #1

After 30+ years of working and living on the shop floor, Kentech Inc. develops REAL WORLD software solutions. Our experiences have shaped and molded our thinking and development goals to push us to create software solutions that make huge impacts in our clients manufacturing systems and processes.

No where is this more in show than in our INNOVATIVE and GROUNDBREAKING G code conversion applications, KipwareXC® and Kipware® CNC XChange. In this post we look to highlight #1 in a series of HIDDEN GEM videos that feature some of the innovative and groundbreaking features, somewhat hidden away in our G code conversion apps. There are so many features included in KipwareXC® that we want to make sure to highlight some of these maybe unknown features … all standard … all there for the taking … but maybe missed in the everyday use of KipwareXC®.

Let’s start with a couple of questions :

(1) Have you ever wanted to take a proven G code program and adjust … up or down …  all S commands or all F commands by a certain percentage?

(2) Have you ever needed to shift all X and / or Y commands by a certain amount? Or lower all Z commands by a certain amount?

If you answered YES to either of the above … or some other similar situation you can think of … then  the video below is well worth the watch … enjoy !!

For more information and details on all our G code conversion applications … please use any of the links below :

KipwareXC® Information :

CNC XChange Information :

Kentech Inc. MAIN Website :

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Covid-19 … CNC Machine Shops … and Kipware®

I think we have all heard this more than enough … “these are unprecedented times,” We all know it … because we are all living it. Unfortunately.

First off … we salute everyone for their efforts from staying at home to social distancing to the most needed front line workers. You have our gratitude for fighting the good fight … without all our efforts we, the fortunate ones, would not be here … surviving. And we remember the ones we lost. The numbers are staggering but we remember that each one was a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister … each was a vital member of a family that will never be the same again. Each one will be missed … and forever remembered.

As business … including machine shops … begin “opening up” … the workplace looks much different than it did at the start of the year. Kentech Inc. is an internet based company and we have been up and functioning throughout … but now we are hearing from a different clientele.

Machine shops are functioning in a different light … smaller workforce with oftentimes a limited skill level … or smaller workforce just due to the financial consequences of limited work and trying to make the most with what you have. Everyone is being asked to do anything … and sometimes a little help is all we need.

BUT … Kipware® Was Made for THIS !!

Since our birth in 1986, Kentech Inc. and Kipware® software was built from the shop floor up. Built by real world machinists, engineers, chipmakers and shop foreman and leaders. We know that not everything is rocket science … not everything requires a bachelors degree … sometimes all we need is a simple tool to give us a leg up … and that is Kipware® software.

For CNC Programming …

We all know it … not EVERY job requires complex CAD/CAM nor a programmer well versed in CAD/CAM. Kipware® conversational was made to help good chipmakers become good G code generators … and that takes the burden of the CAD/CAM programmer and opens up the programming capability of any size machine shop. And that means increased efficiency and increased output.

Agree? CLICK HERE to explore Kipware® conversational for milling and turning.

For Winning PROFITABLE Work …

Now more than ever margins are tight and the work you win has got to be WORTH WINNING. Kipware® ESTIMATING software was created on the shop floor and has been proven in the trenches since 1986 !! KipwareCYC® will ensure that your machining cycletime estimates accurately reflect what happens on your shop floor … the ABSOLUTE KEY to real world estimating. KipwareQTE® will, ensure that you are not only winning work … but winning PROFITABLE work.

CLICK HERE to check out our Kipware® REAL WORLD ESTIMATING software.

For Ending CNC Control Incompatibility …

With time constraints and more … moving jobs from machine to machine is more and more common. Re-posting or manual editing is NOT AN OPTION !! Kipware® CONVERSION software makes the machine and CNC control incompatibility simply go away !! KipwareXC® and CNC XChange can make all your shop machines … all your CNC controls … run seamlessly. And that means moving that job from the DMG Mori to the Okuma or the Fadal to the Haas can be done in seconds … not hours.

CLICK HERE to check out how Kipware® cam make your shop floor run seamlessly !!

And We ALL Need a Good ROI !!

And Kipware® can accomplish ALL of the above without breaking the bank. Kipware® has simple interfaces to get you up and running quickly. And priced for the REAL WORLD … a Kipware® purchase means a fast return on your investment. That’s a WIN-WIN for productivity and profitability.

CLICK HERE for Kipware® Pricing and Purchase information.

So Sure … Times are Different

But Kipware® is here to help.
And we’ve been here since 1986 … creating tools for the Real World.
So grab some Kipware® and let’s discover the “new normal”. Because now more than ever … it’s REAL !!
Oh ya … it’s REAL !!

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® VS Re-Post VS Reposting

If you are in a real machine shop … with multiple CNC’s with multiple controls … you’ve run up against it. Control Incompatibility. The fact that G code formatted for one machine and control will not function on another machine with another control … and it causes havoc.

G code has to either be re-posted … re-programmed … or manually edited.

Most shops invest heavily in multiple CAD/CAM post processors to insure they can get G code created from their CAD/CAM system that will work in all the machines in the shop. Some try to even write their own CAD/CAM post. But CAD/CAM companies make the post processor language so cryptic and hard to figure out that eventually you buckle in and pay the price for a custom created post.

THE FACT IS … AND YOU KNOW IT … CAD/CAM COMPANIES ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN MAKING CUSTOMERS KEEP PAYING. Whether it’s yearly maintenance fees … post processor and post creation charges … THEY HAVE YOU HOSTAGE.


At Kentech Inc. we believe that EDUCATED CONSUMERS ARE OUR BEST CUSTOMERS. So we devised better ways to beat the control incompatibility issues through INNOVATIVE and PIONEERING G code conversion software like our KipwareXC® and Kipware® CNC XChange. Designed with clean user interfaces … with plain English menus … Kipware® conversion software is designed to have that educated consumer become their own boss … to take control on their own … and to succeed.

We have worked with customers all over the world including Okuma and many of their world wide distributors to add innovative and real world features to Kipware® to insure that we cover every kind of G code from CAD/CAM generated code to all-over-the-place manually created G code. And when a client needs “special” treatment for something specific they are doing … we got their back with custom development. And … if we feel it’s something that many people might need … we even code it for free … cause we know it just makes our software better.

Fed up with post processors and their cryptic languages that make it impossible for the average person to configure? Watch the video below … DUMP old school and GO new school with KipwareXC®. 

Now some people post in the forums on the net … “Why would you convert G code … just run it through your CAD/CAM system with another post.” The anonymity of online forums never ceases  to bring out the ignorance in people … so let’s set some facts straight.

Reason #1 for G Code Conversion – Converting Legacy Programs

Programs that were created years ago might not even have a CAD drawing to go back to … but most importantly ( they would know this if these people were real machinists ) … speed and feeds and even toolpaths were probably altered due to real world cutting conditions  or workholding issues or whatever. These are called “proven programs” … and are gold in a real world shop. Reverting back to the CAD/CAM system puts you back to starting-all-over-again. You lose any of the real world changes made … and more importantly time … and profits.

G code conversion makes so much more sense because nothing in the original program is changed … just the program format.

Reason #2 for G Code Conversion –
Eliminating Costly Posts

Kipware® allows users to create an UNLIMITED number of “profiles” … the definition of what-to-convert-into-what. This means that one purchase of Kipware® conversion software gives users the power to convert any G code format between multiple machines and multiple controls. You do not have to make a separate purchase for every machine in the shop. AND … because of our real world design you are in control. Make any changes or tweak the output to your liking at any time … FOR FREE !!

Reason #3 for G Code Conversion –
Unclog the Shop Floor Bottlenecks

If you live in the real world … you’ve been here. A program was created for one machine and control but because your client pushed up the delivery date or one of a hundred other reasons … you need to run that program in another machine with another control. In the CAD/CAM world you need to go back to the “CAD/CAM guy” and have him re-post it or edit it. In the Kipware® world … you simply run the program through the conversion software and BANG … ready to go.

… and we could go on and on.

But if you live in the real world and are a real world machinist … you can see and know the benefits from your own experiences.

So … is it time ???

Is it time to break the chains of the CAD/CAM company? Is it time to free your shop floor and let your productivity flow?

If so … we invite you to visit and check out KipwareXC® and Kipware® CNC XChange. Arrange for a live, free online demonstration with one of our engineers and let us show you the real world design … and results … that you can achieve as you blow out control incompatibility in your shop.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Fanuc to Fagor G Code Conversion Software [ New Release ]

Our CNC XChange applications have helped thousands of clients around the world overcome the “control incompatibility” issues between Fanuc … Okuma … Haas … DMG Mori … Mazak … and more … G code formats for equipment on their shop floors.

Kentech Inc. is now pleased to announce the release of our latest version of CNC XChange that can auto convert Fanuc and “fanuc compatible” G code to Fagor format for 2.5 and 3 axis milling programs. All models of Fanuc controls are supported as the “convert from” format … and Fagor models 8055 / 8037 / 8060 / 8065 / 8070 are supported as the “convert to” format.

An option is also available to auto convert Fanuc MACRO B code to Fagor Variable Prgramming format.

For additional information and an in-depth look at how CNC XChange operates … we offer a brief release / informational video below.

Please visit for more information on CNC XChange and ALL our Real World CNC / Machine Shop Software products.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.