Category Archives: New Product Release Information

This category contains posts related to information for new released features for all Kipware® software titles.

5 Reasons Why Kipware® Conversational CAM is the BEST

Kipware® Conversational CAM is highly regarded in the industry for various reasons. Here are five key aspects that make it stand out:

  1. User-Friendly Interface:
    • Ease of Use: Kipware® is designed for ease of use, making it accessible even for those who may not have extensive CAM programming experience. Its conversational interface allows users to quickly input data and generate G-code without the need for complex programming skills.
    • Intuitive Design: The software features an intuitive interface that guides users through the programming process, reducing the learning curve and increasing productivity.
  2. Efficiency and Speed:
    • Rapid Programming: Kipware® enables rapid creation of CNC programs, significantly reducing the time required to move from design to production. This efficiency is crucial for shops that need to maintain a fast turnaround time.
    • Minimized Errors: The conversational approach minimizes the likelihood of programming errors, ensuring that CNC machines can operate smoothly and without costly mistakes.
  3. Versatility and Flexibility:
    • Wide Range of Applications: The software supports a wide variety of machining operations, including turning, milling, and drilling. This versatility makes it suitable for different types of CNC machines and machining tasks.
    • Customizable: Kipware® allows for customization to meet specific needs, providing flexibility that can be tailored to the unique requirements of different projects and shops.
  4. Cost-Effective Solution:
    • Affordability: Compared to other CAM software solutions, Kipware® is relatively affordable, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized machine shops looking for cost-effective tools to enhance their capabilities.
    • No Maintenance Fees: Kipware® offers a one-time purchase option without recurring maintenance fees, providing long-term savings for businesses.
  5. Support and Training:
    • Comprehensive Support: Kipware® provides robust customer support, including online resources, tutorials, and responsive technical assistance to help users get the most out of the software.
    • Training Resources: The availability of training materials ensures that users can quickly become proficient in using the software, further enhancing its value and usability.

These factors collectively make Kipware® Conversational CAM a top choice for many CNC machining operations, offering a balance of simplicity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.


KipwareT® – Conversational CAM for TURNING – New Release

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce new menu additions for our LIVE TOOL option for KipwareT® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for TURNING … details are below.

Live Tool Conversational CNC Programming with KipwareT®STRAIGHT SLOTTING

This new menu allows for the creation of G code to mill a slot or series of slots along the Z axis. The slots can be straight or fluted, determined by the user. The user can also use just this one menu to create code to mill an unlimited number of slots at incremental angles from each other.

Live Tool Conversational CNC Programming with KipwareT®


This new menu allows for the creation of G code to mill a slot or series of slots along the Z axis where the angle at the midpoint is different than the start / end. The user can also use just this one menu to create code to mill an unlimited number of slots at incremental angles from each other.

Version 24.3.0 is shipping standard as of 04/12/2024.

You can get full details on KipwareT® through the link below :

KipwareT – Conversational CNC Programming CAM for Turning

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareM® – Conversational CAM for MILLING – New Release

Version 23.0.0 of our KipwareM® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for MILLING has been released. This release includes a multi-location feature for easy repeating SQUARE / RECTANGULAR BOSS … O RING GROOVES … ROUND BOSS machining in mutliple locations using a single menu form.

How does the multi locations meaning work?

(1) Select the conversational menu desired … square / rectangular boss, O ring groove or round boss … input the specifics as they relate to the shape and machining … size, depth of cut, cutter diameter, etc..

(2) Select LOCATIONS button and the above form will be displayed. User can enter an UNLIMITED number of locations either manually, through the reading of a DXF file where every POINT in the DXF is brough in as a location … or to have the locations automatically calculated using a BOLT CIRCLE, GRID or LINE-AT-AN-ANGLE conversational menu.

(3) Returning to the original menu … select CREATE PROGRAM … and the defined shape and G code program will be auto created with the machining taking place at each location previously defined.

A sample RECTANGULAR BOSS plot is illustrated below.

This is a terrific time saver when identical shapes are required in multiple locations. This location option wax previously available in other menus … but now has been extended to almost all conversational menus.

Version 23.0.0 is shipping standard as 02/20/2024.

UPGRADE pricing and purchase options are available in the Kipware® OnLine Store …

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New CNC XChange Feature — Enhanced Search and Replace for G Code Conversion

Version 20.0.0 of our CNC XChange – Fanuc / Haas <–> Okuma G code conversion software has been released.

Enhancements to this version include the ability to define multiple replace condiitons for a single line whne performing G code conversion. For example :

Replace : G83Z-1.000Q.100E.012

with : G74Z-1.000K.100F.012

This conversion can be set up in the CNC XChange User Options by simply defining the original code and replacement code using the * character like so :

Original Code : G83*Q*E*

Replacement Code : G74*K*F*

With the above we have defined G83 as the TRIGGER CODE … meaning whenever the software detects a G83 line it will perform the defined replacements … G83 to G74 … Q address to K address … E address to F address.

Unlike cryptic post processor language, the CNC XChange User Options use a simple code macro language that is far easier to understand, learn and implement … as the aboive demonstrates.

The CNC XChange User Options contain many other proven-over-the-years features that allow the user to set up complex G code conversions with little effort and no complicated coding type language. You can check out some of the other features through the link below :

For more information on CNC XChange … please visit

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareM® Conversational CAM for Milling – New Feature Release – Next Tool Look Ahead & T Call

Kentech Inc. has released Version 22.1.0 of our KipwareM® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for Milling. This release contains a new feature to enable the output of the next T command … referred to some time as pre-loading the next tool … when outputting G code. Pre-loading allows the next tool to index and be ready for a tool change as the current tool is machining.

This feature is user configuravble through the SETTINGS as outlined in the screenshot below.

Pre-Loading T Command for CNC Milling Machine

KipwareM® has multiple user selectable options when it comes to tool change output … here is a brief explanation of each :

  • SINGLE LINE or DOUBLE LINE tool change commands can be configured.
  • NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD can be set to ON or OFF through the check box. If OFF … none of the options outlined below will be output.

NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD will cause the next T command to be auto-inserted into the program using Format A or Format B.

FORMAT A will cause the next tool T command to be inserted on the line following the current tool change command … an example :

T01M06 ( current tool change command )
T02 ( next T command )

FORMAT B will cause the next T command to be inserted after the first Z move line … an example :

T01M06 ( current tool change command )
T02 ( next T command )

These settings now allow the user to configure the next T command call to be most compatible with their CNC control & machine.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

There’s a NEW MEANING for the Acronym CAD/CAM …

The success of Kipware® conversational CNC programming software … conversational CAM … has meant a new meaning has been given to the acronym CAD/CAM.

  • NO LONGER is creating a DRAWING the start point for CNC programming .
  • In fact, NO LONGER is the entire CNC programming process driven by a drawing.

Kipware® conversational has taken the concept of creating G code to another level. A level that includes ease-of-use … a level that invites everyone ( not just CAD/CAM users ) to creater and explore G code creation … a level where speed and increased efficiency is a standard when creating G code programs. And as a result … the new meaning for the acronym CAD/CAM has been crowned :

  • C = CANCEL
  • A = ALL
  • /

Join us in the fight to END CAD/CAM OVERKILL … and spend more time MAKING CHIPS … NOT DRAWINGS … with Kipware® conversational CNC programming software.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

NEW RELEASE : Features for Swiss / Multi-Spindle / Multi-Turret for Machining Cycletime Estimating

Version 11.0.0 of KipwareCYC® – Machining Cycletime Estimating Software has been released.

This upgrade includes a new feature called GHOSTING  for estimating machining times on swiss machines as well as multi-spindle and multi-turret CNC turning centers.

How Does It Work?

To utlize this new features users create times in KipwareCYC® for all operations required to machine the workpiece completely as usual. Then, using the GHOSTING feature users can then “ghost” operations that would be performed in tandem with other operations … leaving only the operations actually taking up cycletime as the main focus of the estimate.

Ghosted operations will still remain part of the estimate for  all reporting features such as in ROUTING SHEETS and any operation in the estimate can be easily transferred to and back from a ghosted operation. In addition, should the user wish, ghosted operations can be deleted permanently from the estimate once the desired sequence and set-up is obtained.

This new feature greatly strengthens the power of KipwareCYC® when emplyed to estimate machining time for swiss type machines as well as multi-spindle and multi-turret CNC turning centers.

Version 11.0.0 is shipping standard as of December 16, 2022.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

NEW RELEASE : Conversational 3D Programming for KipwareM® – 3D Conversational Hole Fillet Menu

Kentech Inc. and Kipware® conversational continue to show their innovative and pioneering  spirit with the latest release for our conversational 3D option for KipwareM® – Conversational CAM / CNC Programming Software for MILLING.

KipwareM® is the only application on the market that gives users the ability to create 3D G code for standard 3D shapes like CONES … TAPERED HOLES … TAPERED Square &  Rectangular BOSS … TAPERED Square & Rectangular POCKET … Horizontal & Vertical TROUGHS … Female BENDING DIES … CURVED SURFACES … BOWLS … RADIUS EDGES … TAPERED RADIUS EDGES … HOLE FILLETS … and we’re constantly adding new options based on user requests !!

Our latest version … 22.0.0 … now includes standard our conversational 3D HOLE FILLET menu in the 3D conversational option. Using a simple fill-in-the-blank form … using no drawing, no CAD  and no drawing experience required …. users can quickly and easily create G code to machine fillet radii on holes. Any size fillet … using any size tool … using a square end mill or ball end mill … can be programmed in seconds with this powerful and groundbreaking option. Below are some images and details.

Above is an example of what we refer to as a HOLE FILLET.

Conversational CNC programming for a 3D Hole Fillet is now available in KipwareM®The above image is a screenshot of the conversational 3D HOLE FILLET screen in KipwareM®. Simple plain english inputs … along with the ability to select a square or ball end mill … combined with the users ability to select climb or conventional milling make this menu so very powerful.

Conversational CNC programming for a 3D Hole Fillet is now available in KipwareM®Above is an image of a 3D plot of the resulting toolpath … all created using a fill-in-the-blank form … no CAD nor CAD / drawing experience required.

This new menu was created through a request from a client and we continue to pursue new conversational menu options based on user request and our own real world experiences. This new 3D HOLE FILLET menu is now included STANDARD with all KipwareM® w 3D option purchases.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareXC® G Code Conversion Software – New Release – Security Features

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 19.1.0 of our KipwareXC® – User Configurable G Code Conversion Software.

The newest feature release includes security features for users that wish to block access to the editing of created PROFILES and / or converted G code.  Under the SETTINGS page … users now have the ability to LOCK the editing of BOTH the MAIN and SECONDARY PROFILES using a Password protection feature as well as locking out the editing features in the KipwareXC® EDITOR once a file has been converted.

Post Processor Security Features Released

Checking the LOCK PROTECT PROFILES box will lock the ability to edit or amend both the MAIN and SECONDARY PROFILE. Attempting to change this setting will trigger the display of the PASSWORD screen where the user is required to input the current set PASSWORD. The DEFAULT Password initiated when KipwareXC is initially installed is 9999. Users can change this by opening the file PASSWORD.TXT located in the KipwareXC folder in any text editor … Microsoft NOTEPAD is recommended … and inputting the desired Password.

Checking the LOCK PROTECT EDITOR box will lock the ability to edit the CONVERTED file in the Editor once a conversion is completed. All options for the CONVERTED file … except the SAVE file function … will be disabled in the Editor. Attempting to change this setting will trigger the display of the PASSWORD screen where the user is required to input the current set PASSWORD … instructions are the same as outlined in the section above.

Version 19.1.0 is now shipping standard.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New Reporting features Released for KipwareCRM® – MRP / ERP Cost Review Module for KipwareQTE®

We continue to improve and innovate our KipwareCRM® – Cost Review Module for our KipwareQTE® – Machine Shop Job Costing and Estimating Software.

KipwareCRM® allows users to easily compare estimated costs vs. actual costs as related to quotes and estimates created with KipwareQTE®. After client suggestions and requests for enhanced reporting features … we are pleased to announce the release of Version 2.0.0 of KipwareCRM®. Two new enhancements contained in Version 2.0.0 are :

(1) The ability to PRINT either a side-by-side or actual cost only report for cost reviews created with KipwareCRM®.

(2) The ability to SAVE as a CSV ( Excel compatible ) spreadsheet a side-by-side or actual cost only report for cost reviews created with KipwareCRM®.

Cost review report enhancements for KipwareCRM®
Cost review report enhancements for KipwareCRM®

These new reporting features will allow users the ability to dig even deeper to insure that work being won is actually profitable work and to take the necessary steps to make any cost corrections as required.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.