New Release – Mutli Sided Conversational Menu for Pentagons, Octagons … any -OGONS !!

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While performing an online demonstration the other day, a client asked if KipwareM® had a menu to perform multi sided milling of shapes other than a hex. Of course, the hex shape is a standard feature. KipwareM® can also mill square, rectangular and round bosses using the conversational menus and non standard shapes through the SketchPad. But his question got us wondering about easily programming the milling of pentagons, heptagons, octagons and so on. We thought the answer would be to create a conversational, fill in the blank menu that can quickly and easily create G code milling for a figure with any number of sides, so we did.

The video below will illustrate the use of the newly released multi sided milling menu, now a standard menu in KipwareM®

The form allows the user to define a shape with any number of sides, by just entering the diameter of the circumscribed circle and the required number of sides. The user can also input the radius of the cutter along with all the machining parameters required to machine the shape to the desired depth.

At Kentech we are innovators and pioneers. This new menu illustrates not only the constant innovation being done on Kipware® software, but also the level of real world development being poured into Kipware® to ensure that it continues to be the gold standard for PC based conversational CNC cam software.

Kipware® conversational is a powerful and easy to use tool for anyone’s CNC programming arsenal. Click HERE or visit to put Kipware® conversational to work for you.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.