Tag Archives: 3D conversational programming software

New 3D Feature for KipwareM®

Today we are proud to be introducing a new conversational feature for our KipwareM® – Conversational CNC programming software for milling for our groundbreaking 3D conversational option. This option allows for the creation of G code programs to machine a radius along the edge of workpiece using only a conversational or fill-in-the-blank form. As we often do … this conversational menu was created because of a request from one of our clients …. and we are happy to help make their shop more efficient through our development.


As the menu screenshot above illustrates … we have included many powerful options such as :

  1. The ability to select any of the (4) locations to correspond with the workpiece set-up and radius edge location. In addition … the user can use multiple operations which each different quadrant to machine a complete “box” configuration.
  2. Any angle of the sidewall which means the radius does not have to be inside a 90 degree edge but virtually any edge and sidewall combination.
  3. The ability to select ZIG-ZAG or ONE WAY machining where zig-zag cutting will take depths of cut via a user defined stepover in both directions for a faster operation or with one direction cutting only.


KipwareM® and our 3D conversational operations has become the PREMIER PC based conversational programming software on the market. The complete array of available conversational 3D options is illustrated in the menu screenshot below and includes Tapered Cone … Tapered Hole … Tapered Boss … Tapered Pocket … Horizontal and Vertical Troughs … Male and Female Bending Dies … Curved Surface … Bowl shape and now the Edge Radius option.


For additional information on KipwareM® and our family of Kipware® CNC and machine shop software family of products … please visit our website at www.KentechInc.com.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.


Conversational 3D CNC Machining with KipwareM®

Kentech Inc. continues to turn the conversational CNC programming software world on it’s head releasing unprecedented and powerful fill-in-the-blank programming options for it’s Kipware® conversational CNC programming software for milling and turning.

In late April, the most powerful and easy-to-use conversational TURNING and BORING menus hit the market for KipwareT® – Conversational CNC Software for Turning … bringing unprecedented ease of programming for complex shapes that can include unlimited and unbounded radii and tapers. The success has been unbelievable … thank you to all the professional machinists that have added true, powerful conversational CNC programming to their arsenals for their turning programming.

In 2014 Kentech Inc. released it’s ground-breaking conversational 3D options for KipwareM® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for Milling … the ONLY conversational 3D programming ON THE MARKET …. whether PC based or CNC control based !! In June … responding to a request from one of our clients … we created and added an option to create a bending die 3D menu. Using a simple fill-in-the-blank form,  users can create the G code to ROUGH and / or FINISH the MALE BENDING DIE using a 3D machining toolpath.

We are pleased to announce today the release of the FEMALE BENDING DIE option as the companion to the MALE DIE. Using the same powerful options and features as the MALE menu … users can create the G code program for the FEMALE side using only the simple, efficient fill-in-the-blank form as illustrated below.

conversational 3D CNC machining

As You can see from the screenshot … we have also included powerful programming options in this menu as well … just as in the MALE side menu. Options such as :

  • The ability to use EITHER a square OR ball end mill with the software automatically calculating all tangency points as well as the allowable depth to machine to insure the square end mill will not over-machine along the bottom radius.
  • The ability to ROUGH and / or FINISH in one or separate operations.
  • The ability to CONVENTIONAL and / or CLIMB mill for EITHER roughing or finishing operations.

female_bending_die_simulationWe are proud that Kipware® continues to set the bar for conversational CNC programming software … a bar that no other software company can even come close to touching.

Our commitment to our clients and our resolve to be the best … drives our developers to continue this trend with many new releases in the pipeline for 2015.

For an additional video look at all the groundbreaking and EXCLUSIVE 3D machining options available in KipwareM® … please take a few moments and explore our video link below.

Thank you in advance for considering KipwareM® for your programming requirements.

Kenney Skonieczny – President

Kentech Inc.

Dump the "wizards" and GO PRO with Kipware>