Version 12.1.0 of the Kipware® SketchPad has been released and includes enhanced cutter compensation controls for turning.
In some model Fanuc controls, errors can be generated when G41 / G42 commands are included inside a canned cycle contour profile. To assist user that need to employ cutter comp commands outside the canned cycle contour … or who wish to eliminate cutter comp altogether when roughing but still employ it in finishing … this new release will address these issues.
The SETTING above allows the user to select from -3- options to set the cutter comp command when ROUGHING :
(1) Turn cutter comp off … no G41 or G42 command will be issued during roughing … it will still be commanded during finishing.
(2) OUTSIDE the Cycle … will cause the G41 / G42 command to be executed prior to the roughing canned cycle command lines.
(3) INSIDE the Cycle … will cause the G41 / G42 command to be executed after the roughing canned cycle command lines for controls that can accept that format.
Regardless of the above roughing setting … G41 / G42 commands will be executed during finishing in the normal format if cutter comp on is selected in the turning operation. Since finishing is performed under long hand G code format and not canned cycle format it will be employed as normal during the start-up block prior to the finishing contour.
Version 12.1.0 is currently shipping standard as of 12/15/2020.
Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.