Version 11.0.0 of KipwareCYC® – Machining Cycletime Estimating Software has been released.
This upgrade includes a new feature called GHOSTING for estimating machining times on swiss machines as well as multi-spindle and multi-turret CNC turning centers.
How Does It Work?
To utlize this new features users create times in KipwareCYC® for all operations required to machine the workpiece completely as usual. Then, using the GHOSTING feature users can then “ghost” operations that would be performed in tandem with other operations … leaving only the operations actually taking up cycletime as the main focus of the estimate.
Ghosted operations will still remain part of the estimate for all reporting features such as in ROUTING SHEETS and any operation in the estimate can be easily transferred to and back from a ghosted operation. In addition, should the user wish, ghosted operations can be deleted permanently from the estimate once the desired sequence and set-up is obtained.
This new feature greatly strengthens the power of KipwareCYC® when emplyed to estimate machining time for swiss type machines as well as multi-spindle and multi-turret CNC turning centers.
Version 11.0.0 is shipping standard as of December 16, 2022.
Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.