Tag Archives: conversational cnc

New KipwareT® Release – Pulley Groove / Undercut Turning Option

Kentech Inc. announces the release of Version 23.3.0 of KipwareT® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for Turning.

Included in this release is a new and powerful turning option for our OD PULLEY GROOVE Menu making it easier to create more efficient G code for shapes like the image below :

We have always had the ability to create a grooving type toolpath for this menu … and this new release gives users the option to create a turning type toolpath as well. For more information … please review the video below :

For users still within their 6 month free upgrade window … please email Sales@KentechInc.com to request an updated build with this new feature.

For users outside the window … please review all Kipware® UPGRADE options here : https://www.buykipware.com/product-category/kipware-upgrades/kipware-programming-upgrades/

For more information on Kipware® conversational software … please visit www.KentechInc.com

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareT® Conversational CNC Software – Enhanced Sub-Spindle Programming

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of new conversational CNC features for our KipwareT® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for turning. This latest release of Version 20.1.0 add enhanced conversational sub-spindle programming to KipwareT®.

Each conversational menu now contains a checkbox through which the user can designate the operation as a SUB SPINDLE OPERATION. This designation will cause KipwareT® to insert the appropriate M codes and sub-spindle spindle commands to insure that this operation is configured by the machine for cutting using the sub spindle.

All sub spindle M codes and commands are user configurable through the KipwareT® LIVE TOOL SETTINGS for complete machine compatibility. This design and feature makes configuring KipwareT® extremely easy without the need for post processors or custom designed posts.

In the above example the SUB-SPINDLE MODE ON / OFF commands and spindle CW command were automatically included in the G code program after the checkbox was used to designate the operation as a sub spindle operation.

As of this posting of 4/30/2019 … these new sub spindle features are shipping standard with KipwareT® when the SUB SPINDLE OPTION is purchased.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Kipware® Conversational Programming Software – New 4 Axis Drilling Option Released

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of a new 4 axis DRILLING menu created in response to a customer request. As with all 4 axis conversatinal programming option … this new menu is available STANDARD with KipwareM® Version 19.5.0 as of April 22, 2019.

Screen #1 – Cutting Parameters

Initiating this programming menu in KipwareM® displays the cutting parameter input screen. Along with standard inputs for stock diameter, clearance, feedrates, spindle speed, depth of cut and retract (peck plunging parameters) … the user can select from (3) available machining cycles.

PLUNGE Cycle : most closely resembling a drilling cycle where the cutter will feed down in the Z axis only. Inputting a DEPTH OF CUT and RETRACT AMOUNT will initiate a peck drilling routine … whereas 0 values in these fields will initiate a straight drilling cycle.

POCKET Cycle : selecting this cycle will first execute a drilling / peck drilling cycle as defined using the PLUNGE cycle parameters … then a pocket mill cycle will execute including circular entry and exit to insure smooth machining and a smooth side wall finish to open up the hole diameter. This cycle is best executed when machining larger holes greater than the cutter diameter.

BOTH : selecting this cycle will begin the hole machining with a drilling / peck drilling cycle as defined like a PLUNGE cycle … and then execute a pocket milling cycle at the final Z depth to open up the hole diameter. This cycle is best executed when peck drilling to depth is required and the hole diameter is greater than the cutter diameter.

Screen #2 – Hole Locations

Once the cutting parameters are defined … user have the ability to define an UNLIMITED number of hole locations through the HOLE LOCATION screen.

Each location can include an X axis and Y axis coordinate … going beyond just center line operations … along with different Z depth coordinates … to avoid “air machining” … and 4 axis angular coordinates. In addition a different hole diameter can be included for each location … allowing the user the ability to program a wide variety of hole locations and diameters in one operation and with one menu.

We are always developing new options and new power for our Kipware® conversational. We were happy to work closely with this client and many others to develop new menus to help save them time and increase their programming efficiency.

KipwareM® Version 19.5.0 is now shipping with this new programming menu standard.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

KipwareT® New Release [ Sub Spindle Conversational CNC Programming ]

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the conversational SUB SPINDLE programming option for KipwareT®
KipwareT® now offers conversational sub spindle programming where users can create TRANSFER and CUT-OFF TRANSFER cycles and G code cutting programs all conversationally using fill-in-the-blank forms.

For complete information on this upgrade we have prepared a video presentation which has posted to our YouTube channel … KTSoftware

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Why Fusion360 Users Are Moving to Kipware® Conversational

Over the last 2-3 months we have seen a growing interest from Fusion360 users for our Kipware® conversational CNC programming software. We have been polling those users as to why they’re interest has peeked and overall we have received answers along the same line … complexity vs. simplicity.

Let’s start with the MAIN fact … CAD/CAM was NEVER designed to be a G code generating tool FIRST and FOREMOST … it is a design tool first and foremost as the name clearly states. Everything starts with a drawing … period. If you designing … and then looking to create G code … yes it may be the tool for you. If you are not designing and primarily looking to create G code … the smarter move is to DUMP the CAD and KEEP the CAM with Kipware® conversational.

For users looking at Fusion360 as a CAM package … they are finding it all to complex … confusing ( as in not intuitive ) … and just plain overblown. These factors are leading to slow G code creation that leads to lost profits and related inefficiencies that basically eat away at profits. Most of the reasons expressed confirm our “sales pitch” as outlined in our many blog posts … full links are below and recommended reading if this topic has spiked your interest.

Is CAD/CAM Making Your Shop DUMBER?
Shop Floor Programming vs. CAD/CAM Programming

Of course for CAD and design work … Kipware® conversational is not in the same ballpark as Fusion360 … it includes a CAD / drawing package and we do not … we are focused on the CAM side of things.

But for creating G code programs and as a CAM package … where design work is not required ( say in a job shop setting ) … Kipware® conversational basically blows the doors off of Fusion360. KipwareM® ( milling ) and KipwareT® ( turning ) offer users a G code creation tool for the common, everyday type workpieces with ease-of-use, an intuitive interface, and powerful features that allow novice to expert machinists to create powerful G code programs quickly and easily.

Let’s talk price … Fusion 360 offered their products for free … just to get as many sign-ups as possible. Now after they have gotten people dependent on them … the cost is slowly rising. This is the “Vanderbilt Strategy”. When Cornelius Vanderbilt started offering a ferry service from Staten Island to Manhattan … he reduced the price to a nickel. Of course he didn’t make any money … but he knew his competitors would have to match the price … lose money or passengers … and eventually go out of business. They did. And once that happened he had the market to himself and could charge whatever he wanted … and he did. Fusion 360 went free to drive competition out of business … and to get sign-ups … and now that that has happened … they’re going to start to increase the price.

Do you want to work with a company like that?

If you have been looking at Fusion360 as a CAM alternative … we encourage you to take a look at Kipware® conversational. We invite you to request a live, one-on-one online demonstration … or attend one of our Live Events … we where we can show you the full Kipware® conversational experience and you can ask question / get answers in real time. Links are below.

Click HERE to request a Kipware® Live Demonstration

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New Enhanced Drilling and Milling Features for KipwareM®

We are always listening to our customers … and love submissions for revisions and enhancements per their actual shop floor experiences. This post outlines (2) new features we have released for our KipwareM®… development based on client input and recommendations.

If you would like to submit your real world feature request … please send an email to Sales@KentechInc.com.

Enhanced Hole Location Input Options for Drilling

KipwareM® provides the user with the multiple options for automatically calculating hole locations for bolt circles, holes on a line and grid patterns … but sometimes you just need to enter random locations that don’t fit into a set pattern.

That drilling conversational menu has now been enhanced to give the user (3) options for entering such locations.

  1. X / Y locations can be entered directly on the conversational form with the # of locations available being unlimited. Just increment the counter up and enter the X/Y coordinates.
  2. Users can pop-up a form where up to (12) locations can be entered directly on that form all at once.
  3. Users can define a DXF file and KipwareM® will read through the DXF file and define every POINT element in the file as a hole location and automatically enter that location into the list. This is great option for loading a large number of hole locations directly from a DXF drawing.

Enhanced SLOT MILLING Options

We have enhanced our HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL slot milling menus in KipwareM® to include the option of THROUGH slots as well as partial slots … what we call CAPTURED slots.

In addition … a recent past upgrade gave the user the option for total removal of the material in the slot or simply create a tool path that milled down the side(s) of the slot. This is a great option for creating toolpaths for narrow slots or slots where the cutter and slot width are the same or the cutter is only slightly smaller.

Our labels HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL slots is a bit misleading … because the single ROTATION ANGLE input allows the user to rotate the slot at any angle … all done with a simple single angular input.

As mentioned above … we are always happy to receive feedback and to hear new options users would like to see in our applications. If you have a suggestion … please reach out to Sales@KentechInc.com.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New 3D Feature for KipwareM®

Today we are proud to be introducing a new conversational feature for our KipwareM® – Conversational CNC programming software for milling for our groundbreaking 3D conversational option. This option allows for the creation of G code programs to machine a radius along the edge of workpiece using only a conversational or fill-in-the-blank form. As we often do … this conversational menu was created because of a request from one of our clients …. and we are happy to help make their shop more efficient through our development.


As the menu screenshot above illustrates … we have included many powerful options such as :

  1. The ability to select any of the (4) locations to correspond with the workpiece set-up and radius edge location. In addition … the user can use multiple operations which each different quadrant to machine a complete “box” configuration.
  2. Any angle of the sidewall which means the radius does not have to be inside a 90 degree edge but virtually any edge and sidewall combination.
  3. The ability to select ZIG-ZAG or ONE WAY machining where zig-zag cutting will take depths of cut via a user defined stepover in both directions for a faster operation or with one direction cutting only.


KipwareM® and our 3D conversational operations has become the PREMIER PC based conversational programming software on the market. The complete array of available conversational 3D options is illustrated in the menu screenshot below and includes Tapered Cone … Tapered Hole … Tapered Boss … Tapered Pocket … Horizontal and Vertical Troughs … Male and Female Bending Dies … Curved Surface … Bowl shape and now the Edge Radius option.


For additional information on KipwareM® and our family of Kipware® CNC and machine shop software family of products … please visit our website at www.KentechInc.com.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.


Top 6 Reasons Why Kipware® Conversational … vs “the wannabees”

Since 1986 … almost 30 years … Kentech Inc. has been creating powerful and professional conversational CNC programming software … marketed under our Kipware® trademark. That’s a LOT of experience … a LOT of customer feedback … a LOT of improved toolpath features based on the feedback.

Nowadays … if you take a trip around the web and you’ll find a lot of CNC programming options out there. From CAD/CAM to conversational controls to simplistic “G code wizards” that create what we call “kindergarten toolpaths”.  No canned cycles … no cutter comp … limited math calculations … and on and on. Many can be classified basically as Kipware® wannabees … developed to be “like” Kipware® … the undisputed conversational CNC software market leader. But the truth is in the saying … “Often imitated but never duplicated.”

Doubtful? We present the facts in this post … “The Top 6 Reasons Why Kipware® Conversational … vs the wannabees.” There are  a lot more than 6 but let’s keep it short and focus on the best. These come straight from our clients … based on their trials and experience between Kipware® conversational and other “wizard” type applications.

Number One

The ability to create cycles using a fill-in-the-blank form is not unique to Kipware® … but the ability to re-load previously create cycles back into the conversational menu IS. Only Kipware® can recall previously created cycles … whether created minutes or months ago … back into the fill-in-the-blank form allowing users to re-create the cycle with new parameters ( say different depth of cut ) or create a totally new cycle without having to re-enter data based on a previously created cycle. Time saver and quick and easy editing.

Number Two

The ability to go beyond standard shapes when required to create non-standard toolpaths. The Kipware® Sketchpad … included standard with all Kipware® conversational titles … gives users the ability to draw directly or import a DXF file … and then to easily create a toolpath from the “sketch” by simply selecting the START and END points along the contour and inputs in a simple fill-in-the-blank form. Only the Kipware® SketchPad also contains the patented and ground breaking Machinist Mode that literally makes your mouse a cutter and allows the user to create ANY toolpath desired by simply moving the mouse. Creating roughing toolpaths for non-standard shapes cannot be any easier !!

Number Three

Say good-bye to simplistic hobby machining toolpaths … “kindergarten toolpaths” … with tons of professional machining options included in all Kipware® conversational screens like :

  • Milling and Turning Kipware® : Rough and / or finish machining  can be included with a simple mouse click
  • Milling and Turning Kipware® : Automatically have cutter comp included in the toolpath … Kipware® does all the start-up and shut-down moves and programming all automatically.
  • Milling Kipware® : Select climb or conventional mill with a simple mouse click. Separate selections can be employed for roughing and finishing if desired.
  • Milling Kipware® : Rotate any shape at any angle with one simple input.
  • Turning Kipware® : Select canned cycle or long hand G code output for most standard shapes … power to the people.
  • Turning Kipware® : Select Z axis cutting ( turning ) or X axis cutting ( facing ) for most standard shapes … more power to the people.
  • and on and on and on.

It is amazing to us that some programming applications DO NOT give users the ability to invoke either canned cycles or long hand G code … and don’t include cutter compensation !! Any machinist worth his weight knows that turning a radius or angle without cutter comp will only result in an incorrect part … but some “wizards” don’t even give the user the ability to invoke cutter comp in these instances. Come On !!!


Number Four

Integrated KipwareCSF® – Speed and Feed Wizard for Kipware® Conversational makes including YOUR SHOP’S cutting parameters quick and easy. You know your cutters … your cutter inventory … your shop’s speeds and feeds. Creating a database that contains YOUR SHOP’S … not some pie in the sky … parameters means less fiddling on the floor and more real world programs cutting chips and making money faster.

Number Five

Integrated KipwareTP® – Editing and Toolpath Plotting Software makes double checking your toolpaths quick and easy. With the ability to create cutter shapes to be included in the plot and the ability to import a DXF models or choose standard shapes as stock … KipwareTP® has all the features you need all in a no-frills … down to earth interface. Animations are nice but these app’s never tell you all the work and effort that goes into the set-up. Well our clients have told us that our no-nonsense, simple app gives them what they need fast and easy. That means more time spent cutting chips.

Number Six

Constant development. Kipware® is not a hobby for us … it’s our life and the developers at Kentech Inc. are CONSTANTLY developing new ground breaking features and re-developing and improving already released features to make them even more powerful. Some enhancements are based on tried and tested user input … or based on our over 30+ years of real world chipmaking experiences. This is more than evident in these facts :

  • Only KipwareM® offers 3D conversational milling menus.
  • Only KipwareT® offers conversational LIVE TOOL programming options.
  • Only KipwareT® offers conversational Y AXIS programming options.
  • Only KipwareM® offers CONVERSATIONAL 4th AXIS options … standard !!
  • Only Kipware® conversational is a COMPLETE PROGRAMMING SYSTEM … not an after-thought or add-on … and includes conversational CAM, conversational CAD/CAM, toolpath plotting, auto speed and feed generation, a standard DNC application, a standard machininst toolbox application and a CNC programming assistant / wizard all standard … all in one package.

We could go on and on about all the reasons our clients tell us they choose Kipware® …

  • adding good, shop floor  chipmakers to the programming process to cover the simple, everyday programming means faster program creation, more chip making and better delivery time frames.
  • our powerful, intuitive design puts an end to the time consuming, non-productive tasks of having to maintain “tool cribs”, lists of cutters, cutter geometry and others. Kipware® unshackles your inner machinist with our intuitive, real world software design.
  • intelligent, simple, easy-to-use, no-nonsense user interfaces means less time learning the software and more time cutting chips.
  • the ability to use each included app as a stand-alone or as part of the system means more “bullets” in your programming arsenal.
  • anytime, unlimited access to our powerful and complete video training website means answers to questions are only a simple video away.
  • and much, much more.

How about you? … Ready to go Real World?
Ready to unshackle your machinist skills? … or do you want to be referred to as a “cnc’er” forever?
Ready to get your good chipmakers involved in the programming process for better productivity?

If you’re ready to STEP UP … we invite you to explore all the Kipware® Conversational titles at our website :  www.Kipware.com

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

New Feature Release – KipwareM® Tapered Top Facing

Kentech Inc. announces the release of a new conversational menu for KipwareM® – Conversational CNC Programming Software for milling.

We created the menu based on a request from one of our clients who was looking for a menu that would allow him to create a G code program to face a part that is fixtured at an angle … as the below illustration outlines.


Of course a normal facing cycle could be used … but with a lot of wasted motion and “air cutting”. Based on our clients requirements … and the fact that other users might find the menu useful … we created a conversational menu that will create a G code program to face with no wasted or air cutting. The software calculates the depth along the angle for each depth of cut so cutting is done efficiently along the calculated length and width with no wasted motion. As with all KipwareM® conversational screens … inputs are simple yet powerful as with the simple ROTATION input that will allows the user to create facing motion along the X or Y axis … or at any angle desired .. using ROUGH and / or FINISH cutting parameters.


This new Tapered Top Facing is now included standard with all KipwareM® purchases as of 12/2/2015.

Kentech Inc. continues to stand the conversational CNC programming software world on it’s head with constant innovation and unprecedented, ground breaking development.


Who creates your CNC and machine shop software?
Join the Kipware® family and STEP UP !!

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.

Shop Floor CNC Programming – Complicated VS Simplistic

Shop floor CNC programming … the creation of material cutting programs / G code programs at the machine tool or on the shop floor … is the majority of CNC programming performed in REAL WORLD machine shops around the world, every day. Good chip makers creating their G code programs utilizing evrything from pen and paper to PC’s and tablets. It’s undeniable … and it’s the real world.

Unfortunately, most CNC software developers have never worked directly on a production or job shop floor … have no real world CNC machining experiences … and create software based on unrealistic … not real world … goals and expectations. The user interface and output too often reflect that lack of real world experience and the people on the floor are made to live with it.

How do we know? We worked on those shop floors for almost 30 years … we used and were held hostage by their software. When we started Kentech Inc. in 1986, our goal was to put a STOP TO IT !!! Over the last 30 years … thanks to THOUSANDS of programmers and machinists around the world … we are well on our way.

COMPLICATED – Too Much is Too Much


On the complicated side of the scale … we have CAD/CAM. There is certainly no denying that CAD is a necessary tool for design … without it, we would never have built the world we have today. HOWEVER … not every workpiece to be machined requires a drawing nor a CAD application. And here is where the software developers got it wrong … blame their lack of shop floor experiences. In order to create a G code program … the user is forced to either have a CAD drawing or create a CAD drawing. Without a drawing … no machining code. And that’s just a BAD model.

How is Kipware® Conversational different ?

We designed our Kipware® conversational to be good at two ways of programming … without a drawing and with a drawing. For the simpler, everyday type workpieces, users can fire up the conversational, fill-in-the-blank forms … and quickly and easily create powerful G code programs in minutes. For those more complex contours and shapes … they can draw or import a drawing and create G code programs from their drawings still using a simpler, real world interface.

SIMPLISTIC – Don’t Even Bother !!

Dump the "wizards" and GO PRO with Kipware>

On the simplistic side of the scale … we have software designed and created by hobbyists whose only experiences are with hobby machining … which as any machinist knows is worlds away from production and shop floor programming. Overly simplistic designs … producing overly simplistic G code … with overly simplistic methods and processes that in reality, take programming from overly complicated to overly tedious and inefficient. Do you want to be a better hobbyist (“cnc’er”) or a better professional ?

How is Kipware® Conversational different ?

Having lived and worked cutting chips for a living … we were able to build simpler applications that pack a punch and include professional chip cutting output all done automatically based from our real world chip making experiences. We may be using a simpler interface and design as a cover … but we provide all the professional code output all automatically and all done under-the-hood inside the source code. While simplistic “wizards” and simplistic “conversational controls” give you simple but hold you back as a trade off … Kipware® conversational gives you simple and provides all the professional output you need all automatically.

From auto cutter compensation output … to long hand or canned cycle user configurable options … we built BEST PROGRAMMING PRACTICES into our software and output. While the “wizards” are still trying to learn what best programming practices even are !!

In addition … our cutting edge development gives the user powerful real world options like the ONLY conversational 3D machining options for milling … and the ONLY conversational Live Tool and Y Axis programming options for turning centers. That is taking simpler and …



Kipware® Conversational

The Perfect Blend Between the SIMPLE and the COMPLEX

If you agree with the statements that not EVERY job requires a CAD/CAM program … and overly simplistic is NOT real world … we invite you to spend some of your valuable time exploring our Kipware® conversational software for MILLING and TURNING.  Don’t wait or struggle for another minute … do yourself and your shop efficiency a favor and join the THOUSANDS of programmers and machinist around the world who gave CAD/CAM the boot … and put the “wizards” back in the bottle where they belong.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.