Kipware® Conversational Programming Software – New 4 Axis Drilling Option Released

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Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of a new 4 axis DRILLING menu created in response to a customer request. As with all 4 axis conversatinal programming option … this new menu is available STANDARD with KipwareM® Version 19.5.0 as of April 22, 2019.

Screen #1 – Cutting Parameters

Initiating this programming menu in KipwareM® displays the cutting parameter input screen. Along with standard inputs for stock diameter, clearance, feedrates, spindle speed, depth of cut and retract (peck plunging parameters) … the user can select from (3) available machining cycles.

PLUNGE Cycle : most closely resembling a drilling cycle where the cutter will feed down in the Z axis only. Inputting a DEPTH OF CUT and RETRACT AMOUNT will initiate a peck drilling routine … whereas 0 values in these fields will initiate a straight drilling cycle.

POCKET Cycle : selecting this cycle will first execute a drilling / peck drilling cycle as defined using the PLUNGE cycle parameters … then a pocket mill cycle will execute including circular entry and exit to insure smooth machining and a smooth side wall finish to open up the hole diameter. This cycle is best executed when machining larger holes greater than the cutter diameter.

BOTH : selecting this cycle will begin the hole machining with a drilling / peck drilling cycle as defined like a PLUNGE cycle … and then execute a pocket milling cycle at the final Z depth to open up the hole diameter. This cycle is best executed when peck drilling to depth is required and the hole diameter is greater than the cutter diameter.

Screen #2 – Hole Locations

Once the cutting parameters are defined … user have the ability to define an UNLIMITED number of hole locations through the HOLE LOCATION screen.

Each location can include an X axis and Y axis coordinate … going beyond just center line operations … along with different Z depth coordinates … to avoid “air machining” … and 4 axis angular coordinates. In addition a different hole diameter can be included for each location … allowing the user the ability to program a wide variety of hole locations and diameters in one operation and with one menu.

We are always developing new options and new power for our Kipware® conversational. We were happy to work closely with this client and many others to develop new menus to help save them time and increase their programming efficiency.

KipwareM® Version 19.5.0 is now shipping with this new programming menu standard.

Kenney Skonieczny – President
Kentech Inc.